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As Old As I Am The Ignorance Of Voters Still Astounds Me!

“A Republic, Madam, If You Can Keep It!” Ben Franklin is spinning in his grave!

I won’t be around long enough to see the result of today’s folly. Now what? What will Biden do better than be a nicer “Joe”? Harris will take the reins. So along with the “squad” being re-elected led by the Bernie Sanders of the world, you will be on course to change the United States forever. This country’s government will become a Socialist/Communist form of government. You people don’t know what you have wrought! But, there is another to follow.

You’ve opened the door for all that hate our country such as Omar, AOC, the other Muslim Bitch to welcome the terrorists into our country. Believe me it will occur. Omar, the Somalian refugee should be kissing the ground she walks on. We warned you what would happen if they weren’t vetted. Their purpose is to make this another Muslim country at odds with any other type of government. It was set in motion decades ago.

How I despise those people and you bleeding heart liberals do not care if they destroyed what our founding fathers gave us...the greatest country in the world! 9/ll was just a blip in your minds! It no longer matters. More is coming! My greatest wish would have been for you to have visited that day. You have become my nation’s enemy...

You hate Donald Trump more than you love your country. The first amendment will most likely be under assault (China & Nazi Germany), of course the second amendment also.

This is my final post as you have become nothing but insignificant gnats to me. Something which needs to be swatted!


Seems to me you love Donald Trump more than your country. Sorry your autocratic dreams won't be fulfilled at this time.


A reality TV clown and failed real estate developer 4 years ago loses the popular vote, gets installed as potus on a technicality, makes an utter ass of himself daily, then again loses the popular vote 4 years later and will no longer serve as potus ... by golly, it's the apocalypse and the end of the US as we know it.


This is not an airport - no need to announce your departure.

But since you have - good riddance to yesterday's trash.


One of the most desperate talking points from the wrong wing recently is this Socialism claptrap. I've noticed Europeans amused at this fear of the word. Not to mention the US is about as close to Socialism as our Moon is to Pluto, which is sad in itself.
For the OP to think they understand the intentions of the Founders better than the rest of us is truly pathetic.


There are many who do not know they are fascists but will find it out when the time comes. We cannot destroy them. But we can educate the people so that they will fear fascism and recognize it as it appears and combat it.


“ There are many who do not know they are fascists”

You are the perfect example. Bravo!


So all it took was frump losing for republicans to drop the guise and let their racism flow


As old as I am the ignorance of voters still astounds me.


Sorry to see you go, you were a voice of reason around here.


That's like congratulating a kid who pees in the pool.
And I mean Openly, standing on the edge and peeing, not because you're young and haven't figured out what the better way to behave is.

Voice of Reason? Run THAT past the Founding Fathers. If they were such rabid idiots, we'd never have gotten here in the first place.


So you totally condemn Joe before he's even President? Why don't you give him a chance to undo all the damage the Donald did. Wait to see if he leads an economic recovery, ends Covid, and stops terrorism. By the way 9/11 happened on Bush's watch, not ours. You write as if AOC and Omar just won the Presidency. You lump all Dems into the Communist category.


What damage did Trump do exactly? BE SPECIFIC.

Trump was leading an economic recovery until China fucked it up. You think dems are going to end the lockdown if Biden wins? And then the economy will rise and he’ll take credit for something the dems did by politicizing the pandemic at the cost of the people. Only an ignorant idiot doesn’t see that.

End COVID? It’s gotta end eventually, doesn’t it??? Duuhhhhhhhhhh....

Stop terrorism? Nope. He want to go back into the Iran Nuclear deal which directly funded terrorism. How is that going to stop terrorism???

9/11 could have been prevented if Clinton would have given the order to take him out when he had the chance.

If he does win, let’s see how he keeps the rabid social progressives back. I doubt he can.

You’re an idiot. Just FYI if you didn’t already know.
