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The Day May Be Closer Than We Think! The Day Of Marxism!

I never thought I would see the day when my beautiful country which became an independent sovereign nation between 1776-1783, turn to Marxism. But, with voters like Matilda, Adam, troll Joi, doggie, violet, yatso, et al, Marxism is around the corner. They side with the Black Klan (BLM) & Antifa. They disparage those who defend themselves and gleeful when said people are arrested. They want to abolish the 2nd Amendment. Their thought process chills me! The following are their comrades: As of 06/2019

Complete list of attacks on supporters of President Trump

Voters akin to Matilda want the country shut down until, as she believes, there is no longer a trace of Covid-19. She accuses the POTUS of murder! She should be sued for defamation and slander. There is no logic to her thinking. She would collapse the country before she used common sense and realize we can do both, use safe guards and keep the country and schools open. She completely dismissed the findings in a link I posted. She needs to read and understand #4 & #5.

The new Democrat party with the likes of AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Swalwell, Sanders and their lemmings, will see to it due to ignorant voters who cannot sell Biden, but hate Trump! They hate Trump more than they love their country! They are voting with feelings instead of a sound reason. They cannot give a good reason why they are voting for lapdog Biden...actually it’s HARRIS/Biden! The only answer is “I hate Trump!” These voters cannot think for themselves. They rely on the lies spouted by CNN and God help us Rachel Maddog! Their ignorance astounds rational people, but ignorance is bliss.

Using my parent’s average ages of demise, I have less than 10 years left to see either my country continue to prosper or sink into Marxism. My concern is for my grandkids.


I wish your bizarre, paranoid, evidence free crazy delusions were true and we really were headed for a society where the workplace was a democracy (that was Marx's goal), but it ain't happening any time soon, if at all.


Another lemming citing zero evidence to support his ignorance. Let us all take a breath in shock.


Burden proof is on you folks, genius.

What measures, exactly, are currently being implemented or planned that would result in all workplaces in the US transferring ownership and management to the people who work there?

Good luck with citing anything, but history shows that when asked to back up your claims, you routinely run for the hills.


Media. You do know acknowledge that the mainstream media and Hollywood are left wing, right? Proof is Biden's NBC town hall of "undecided" voters where re-used from a previous town hall of Biden supporters. That was just a couple of days ago. You know NYT, WaPo, CNN as well as network news are all left wing, yes?

And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed — if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth. -Orwell

Centralized power. ACLU, which stands for the American Civil Liberties Union. They are best known for allowing the KKK the right to protest. Yet they seemed to have done a 180. They want hate speech laws to be enacted. Hate speech which is extremely subjective that will be constantly added and adjusted is another example of centralizing power to the govt and loss of real civil liberties to the citizenry.

Another example is Gov. Whitmer. She is openly defying a SC decision finding her EO as unconstitutional. That happened just this week.

Another example is Uber. I'm sure you've heard of making independent contractors as employees. That's a union ploy to get rid of these workers in order to benefit their own union. You know that unions are a product of socialism, right?

Nationalizing energy sector. You know that Bernie Sanders wants to nationalize the energy sector. He stated it, but had to walk it back because it's unpopular, but you know he wants to. You know his progressive movement is heavily based off of socialism. The New Green Deal or any version of it is govt controlled. Thus, centralized govt controlling everything.

Anti-Fa & BLM are socialist groups. The dems cannot acknowledge Anti-Fa as an organization and cannot condemn their actions. BLM is an openly stated Marxist organization. They have both caused pillaging amounting to over $1 billion. Who's paying for that, pray tell? That's still ongoing too.


The media are beholden to their corporate masters and to maintaining the capitalist status quo. If you don't understand this, you fundamentally don't understand reality.

Further evidence that you are completely disconnected from objective reality is your characterization of antifa as an "organization". Tell me, sweet peas: where are their headquarters? How do you sign up? Who is the leader? What are the membership dues? Where are the meetings held?

And none of your completely deranged examples of "evidence" show genuine progress towards making workers owners and controllers of their workplaces as a country wide policy. Sure, I'm happy there are unions. But if the premise of the OP were genuine, they would be gaining power rather than being diminished. You literally have no idea what you are talking about.


The media are beholden to their corporate masters? Being that this is a denial of left wing bias, I'll take it as your admission. I even gave you a quote from Orwell, but you're too ignorant or too stupid to understand. Whatever.

Where was ISIS's HQ? Where was Al Qaeda's? The didn't have any. And yet, they existed. I mean, how fucking stupid are you? You want to know how to sign up? Go watch Louder with Crowder. You can see how a person was enlisted.

And there's the general statement of pointlessness. You asked for specifics. They are given. You fail to refute them. The burden of proof is now on you. A generalized statement doesn't cut it. You're a fucking hypocrite. Then again, what else is new?


1. You gave me a quote from Orwell, who was a devoted socialist. Nuff said about your cluelessness.

2. Your inability to tell me anything about Anifa as an organization has been duly noted.

3. Your inability to document efforts in the US to give control of companies to workers has also been duly noted.

You people just love to self-own, don't you?


1. Was Orwell promoting it or warning about it, pray tell?

2. I showed you they are no different than a terror organization. I see no rebuttal.

3. You’ve already acknowledged you like unions. Which party is pro union? Why did they try to muscle out independent contractors?

Once again, you failed to refute anything. The burden of proof is on you and your generalized statements aren’t proof. You’ve proven to be a hypocrite and a dunce. Good job!


1. Orwell was an enthusiastic supporter of socialism, which means any attempt to quote him as attacking socialism is made in complete and utter ignorance of his actual beliefs and intentions. You right wingers essentially know nothing.

2. You showed no such thing. Anifia is not now and never was an organization. You apparently don't even know what that word means in English.

3. Irrelevant. You cannot cite any activity in the United States that is poised to create worker ownership of all businesses in the nation. That's why you keep trying to change the subject. Won't work on me, so don't bother.

Once again, you utterly and completely failed to establish the truth of anything in the OP. The burden of proof is on you and your delusions and irrelevant statements do nothing to advance your case. You've proven to be fiercely uneducated and completely disinterested in objective reality.


Was 1984 pro socialism, yes or no?

Where was Al Qaeda’s HQ, pray tell?

That’s the best you got? I’ve given you multiple examples of government usurping civil liberties and centralizing power. Socialism comes before communism, dunce. Just FYI.

Just because you want to gloss over the things I’ve stated doesn’t change the fact that they are stated. Ignorance is Strength.


1. Hate to break it to you, but books do not have opinions. People do. Orwell was a Socialist, and that's just a fact. Grow up and deal with it.

Step one would be to ask yourself why a Socialist would write 1984 while steadfastly remaining a Socialist. Did you even read the book?

2. Al Qaeda is an actual organization with members, money flows, and coordinated projects. Antifa is just a philosophy of being against fascism. Are you against fascism? Then you are "part" of Antifa, like it or not.

3. None of your examples of government activities even remotely resemble anyone actively attempting to make all American businesses owned and controlled by workers. That you would even cite such things just shows how laughably desperate you are to manufacture a world inside your head which feeds your fantasies.


1. Book are meant to teach. Even Aesop's Fables could've told you that. You being willfully ignorant doesn't change that fact. Yes, he was, yet you notice how you chose not to answer the question I imposed? Because you're you're wrong and you want to change the argument to something else.

Why he wrote it because of the fears of TOTALITARIANISM. Do you think Orwell wanted his socialist society to mirror Stalinistic Russia? Pray tell? And yet, you got idiot Anti-Fa thugs waving hammer and sickle flags. How stupid is that? Indoctrinated much? Uneducated much?

2. You're an idiot. Since you've acknowledged that Al Qaeda is an actual organization, now you can tell me where their HQ is, right? That is your logic. Now tell me.

3. "Facts do no cease to exist just because they are ignored." "Ignorance is Strength." You're global dismissal is proof you're an idiot nor can you refute anything that was presented to you. Go back to Moskva, komrade. Go back and drink your single distilled vodka and eat your red beets.


1. You've just answered whether the book was pro or anti Socialist for yourself and that it was a question designed to distract. I'm glad I was able to get you to start thinking realistically about the book for the first time in your life. You're welcome.

2. Just you trying to change the subject now that I've got you on the ropes. The fact remains that Anifa is not now and never was an organization, so your treatment of it as one was just silly and factually out of touch with reality.

3. I note your complete capitulation on providing evidence for actual Socialism in the USA with great satisfaction. Always amusing to debate people who haven't a clue and never will.


1. And yet you're still ignorant to fact that it was anti-socialist. How you cannot see the difference between democratic socialism and totalitarian socialism is beyond me.
Then again, Ignorance is Strength.

2. Answer the question. It's your own logic. Where's Al Qaeda's HQ?

3. Another generalized dismissal. Again, facts do no cease just because they are ignored. You ain't helping yourself, but then again, all you leftists are fine with being hypocritical. What else is new?


1. Since the author of the book was a Socialist, you'd have to be a complete simpleton to think the purpose of 1984 was to argue against Socialism. Your child like attachment to this delusion is both hilarious and pathetic.

2. Looks like you are developing a fetish! Antifa is not an organization. Al Qaeda is. That's the point. Just relax in being wrong.

3. Facts? You have no idea what they are. You are about as effective in citing fact to support your case as a random word generator.


1. Is there a difference between democratic socialism and totalitarian socialism, yes or no? When you figure that out, give me the key points on the differences.

2. Again, it's your own idiotic logic. Where is Al Qaeda's HQ?

3. Ignorance is Strength. Then again, what else is new?


1. The issue of the irrelevance of your dumb question has already been established: the author of 1984 was a Socialist, so any attempt to portray the book as attacking Socialism is an sign of ignorance. You're just changing the subject now that your ignorance has been exposed. Sorry, I won't be playing. Just let it go.

2. You've lost that one. Just let it go.

3. You have cited no evidence supporting your case. Just let it go.


1. Why are you ducking and dodging a simple question? Is there a difference between democratic socialism and totalitarian socialism? What's the point he was making in the book? Just because Orwell was a democratic socialist doesn't mean he can't write a book about anti-socialism. Where is it stated he can't?

2. If I lost it, answer the question then. Again, it's your own stupid logic. You said an organization will have an HQ. You said Al-Qaeda is an organization. So where is the HQ for Al-Qaeda??? Again, you said it. So explain it.

3. Obviously you already have. Ignorance is Strength.


Just let it all go, loser. You just aren't mentally healthy.


Ignorance is Strength, innit komrade?

Go back to Moskva and drink your crappy vodka.


That’s not how our system works stupid. All power to the workers?

No thanks. We’ve already seen what communism does for the “workers of the world”.

I’ll take freedom and opportunity to make my own future. You can have your lemming parade of misery.


In keeping with your complete ignorance, you are apparently unaware of the fact that for decades there have been successful companies throughout the entire world which have been run on socialist principles and have successfully out-competed their capitalist rivals.

I get it--you are fundamentally opposed to freedom and democracy. Why else would you react in horror at the idea of these principles being extended to the workplace? It isn't as if it doesn't work, because we know for an objective fact that it does work. So you must hate these values at a very deep level.


It’s not bizarre or paranoid by any means. When you have city officials across the nation acquiescing to the likes of BLM whose leader is an avowed Marxist the seeds are planted. But, putting that aside why would you want to live in a Marxist country? BTW, we are a Republic...not a Democracy. If you live in the States why don’t you move to a country more to your ideology. Not being snide...just a suggestion. You are aware eventually Marxism doesn’t work to the betterment of the people?

This is the type of country you wish to have?

“Marx also detailed the 10 essential tenets of communism, namely:”

Central banking system
Government controlled education
Government controlled labor
Government ownership of transportation and communication vehicles
Government ownership of agricultural means and factories
Total abolition of private property
Property rights confiscation
Heavy income tax on everyone
Elimination of rights of inheritance
Regional planning

Ben Franklin’s words are ringing in my ear:

”A REPUBLIC, madam if you can keep it.”

”Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.”


Since you never learn, what's the point in trying to educate you? Rant away, madwoman.


How did you spend your socialist stimulus check which I paid for?


There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.


Hark thy voice is heard better when thy speaks, when thou taketh thine dickth out of thy own piehole. -Shakespeare


OMGosh! Priceless! Just Priceless! But not for making me spit out my tea! Lord a mercy! 😅😂🤣 You do have a way with words...


Isn’t it pretty to think so?


I shit in the milk of the whore that bore you!


Isn’t it pretty to think so?


We saw how Obama/Clinton weaponized the DOJ during his 8 worthless years. And they thought Hillary was a lock to continue their work.

They won’t be so casual this time if vegetable Biden is able to acquire the presidency. It’s going to be all hands on deck to corrupt the system so badly Republican leaders and voters will have no possibility of acquiring power again.

They already did this in California with redistricting under Grey Davis back in 2000. We are now going on 25 years under Democrat party rule. A legislature that’s 80% Democrat. And now they’ve implemented mail in voting and vote harvesting. Utterly zero security in the election process.

This is their plan for the nation. Corrupt and destroy in order to have absolute power. Every Democrat run city and state rolls on with their endless lockdowns for a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate for people under 50. And an ever age of death of 80.

Losing the media/education industries to communism was detrimental to the survival of the nation. The 2nd amendment is the last thing that stands in their way.


The good ole days

The Ludlow Massacre was a massacre perpetrated by anti-striker militia during the Colorado Coalfield War. The Colorado National Guard and Colorado Fuel and Iron Company guards attacked a tent colony of 1,200 striking coal miners and their families in Ludlow, Colorado, on April 20, 1914, with the National Guard using machine guns to fire into the colony. Approximately 21 people, including miners' wives and children, were killed. The chief owner of the mine, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., was widely excoriated for having orchestrated the massacre


Yes because hating an incumbent president has never been a common reason for people to vote for the opposition, has it?

Claiming that everyone who votes against Trump is supporting Marxism is a little on the extreme side, don't you think? That sort of logic would have made you a wonderful finger-pointer in Salem a few years back. WITCHES, THEM ALL!


Well, the way I was taught when voting for someone is to know their planned policies. The party’s platform. Will voting for someone you like change the course of government to something you don’t like. Will voting for the personable person lead to more entitlements resulting in higher taxes and less take home pay. I don’t know if you’re a hunter or just like to go to a shooting range. What does the nice person say about the 2nd amendment? What does his party’s platform say about gun ownership?

In case you aren’t aware the two people who were on their property defending themselves and their property, with firearms, from a group of thugs have been indicted. That is government on the verge of Marxism.

Property being confiscated by government for private development in order for the city government to gain more taxes is on the verge of Marxism. It’s happening in this country.

The Green New Deal will be dictating what we drive. Fossil fuel will be done away with, so how will planes fly? We could be forced to give up Air Conditioning and other comforts. It will do away with coal which powers our power plants. In all things we will be regulated by the government. That will be on the verge of Marxism.

Government will be more free to use the national guard to quell dissenters. But, they won’t go after the Black Klan or Antifa because they will be doing the government’s bidding. The government will go after church goers and those who attend synagogues if they don’t wear masks! They’re doing so now, That is on the verge of Marxism. Just this week Michigan’s feckless governor went against the state’s Supreme Court’s order ruling she is overstepping her powers as governor. She said the hell with them I’ll rule the way I want...just as Obama did by fiat! That type of power is on the verge of Marxism.

To sum it up. Get to know who you are voting for and what power they can wield. Don’t vote against someone because you don’t like them.


It's sad to see someone as old as you being that brainwashed.
Get a hobby and just enjoy your life.
Embrace happiness!


Those aren't your enemy. The real marxist ones:

Scary times ahead...


I didn’t know there were so many subversives in this country. Scares the hell out of me also. But, I beg to differ on who is the enemy. The enemy is the alt left Democrats and the voters who put them there. Matilda yells and screams Trump murdered 200,000 people; last week it was 1,000,000! She doesn’t write he “may” be responsible (which he isn’t) she uses the word *murdered*! Yet she says nothing about Cuomo being responsible for 38,000 deaths in New York, which happens to be the truth. There is something seriously wrong with her...and she votes! That is what scares me!🥶


We're all still waiting for that vote to eliminate Social Security and Medicare for anyone born tomorrow, or maybe even raising the eligibility ages for those programs.

The GOP has held either the House or the Senate for 24 of the last 40 years.


I finally realized how Medicare is saving money. If a person is admitted to a hospital who’s on Medicare, the hospital is not permitted to keep her/him longer than what Medicare permits. If in ICU the patient can remain longer. When the patient is discharged regardless of the prognosis s/he goes to rehab. The patient only has to stay one night then return to the hospital. If the patient doesn’t wish to go to rehab s/he goes home if there is a caregiver or s/he goes to a Hospice facility.

Or Hospice can come into the home as the caregivers. Hospice caregivers aren’t around long because once it takes over the care of a patient s/he is doped with morphine. Of coarse no sustenance is given. The patient just exists starving for several days. Without sustenance the patients organs start shutting down which causes pain. More morphine is given. “S/he is in so much pain we have to keep the patient comfortable so we give more pain meds. You don’t want your loved one to suffer, do you?” “Well no, I guess not.” The patient may last a week!

To put it bluntly this is Medicare’s way of elimination! Hospice is a death sentence.


You shouldn't write if you can't write.


So you agree that Mitch McConnell is a Marxist/Communist/Socialist/Collectivist... and that he's married to a Chinese woman...


Why would I agree to that statement? How does it fit my post about Medicare?


Medicare is a socialist program. Mitch McConnell won't schedule a vote to repeal it, or even scale it back in the slightest.


Workers pay into Medicare. Don't you mean Medicaid?

If you held a job, you'd know the difference.


Someone performs services for you, and someone else pays for said services.



Thousands of dollars have been taken from my paycheck for many years. Are you suggesting I shouldn't receive services of which I already paid?


We can share a thousand replies on this topic after the election.


My Reply: "We're all still waiting for that vote to eliminate Social Security and Medicare for anyone born tomorrow, or maybe even raising the eligibility ages for those programs."

I suppose my reply was incomplete and should have been "We're all still waiting for that vote to eliminate Social Security and Medicare for anyone born tomorrow, or maybe even raising the eligibility ages for those programs for anyone born tomorrow."

So you're covered.

