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The Top 21 Things that Trigger Perpetually-Offended Lefties

1. Trump
2. Patriotism
3. Tax cuts
4. Free speech
5. The Constitution
6. Personal responsibility
7. Conservative Justices (even moderate ones)
8. Red hats
9. Heterosexuality
10. John Wayne
11. Christianity & the Bible
12. Caucasians & all things white
13. Guns
14. Masculinity
15. Law & order
16. Work
17. Success
18. Truth/reality/facts
19. Conservative/Independent women
20. Conservative/Independent minorities, especially black people
21. Capitalism


The Top 21 Things that Trigger Perpetually-Offended Conservatives

1. Obama
2. Unity
3. Universal Health Care
4. Free speech
5. Amendments to the Constitution
6. Individual thinking
7. Liberal Justices (even moderate ones)
8. BLM slogans
9. Homosexulaity
10. Greta Thunberg
11. All other religions but Christianity
12. Migrants & all things foreign
13. Gun Reform
14. Femininity in anyone but biological females
15. Protest and reform
16. Welfare
17. Intelligent debate
18. Truth/reality/facts
19. Liberal/Independent women
20. Liberal/Independent minorities, especially black people
21. Leftism

Look at that stupid list I wrote. In reality I don't believe anyone is that easily categorized because of their political beliefs. I think humans are entirely more complex than that, but I suppose it makes us feel better to divide and separate and ridicule those who have different beliefs. Base tribalism.

Just so much spite. What a way to see the world.


2. Unity? You leftists aren't united on anything. BLM doesn't care about LGBTQ. Anti-Fa guy murdered that gay Trump supporter.
4. Free speech? Why? It's you leftists that are trying to curb compelled speech and pass "hate" speech laws.
5. Amendments to the Constitution? That's triggers conservatives? Why?
6. Individual thinking? Why does that trigger conservatives? Conservatives believe in individual liberties over group liberties. Why would conservatives be triggered by that? You should've put groupthink instead.
10. Greta Thunberg? How daaaarrreee you! 😂😂😂 Always humorous.
11. What about Judaism? Buddhism? Sikhism? Why aren't they bitching about anything about conservatives?
12. Unlike you, I don't believe in culture appropriation. I enjoy all cultures from Japanese Anime to Indian Food to Egyptian architecture.
13. Gun reform? Like what? You already said the Constitution. What does the 2nd Amendment guarantee?
15. Protest and reform? Protesting doesn't equate to pillaging. Just FYI.
17. Intelligent debate? How is that accomplished when you are all incapable of it?
18. Truth/reality/facts? Which one? Biden says, he believes in truth over facts. 🤣🤣🤣

How about getting your head out of your bloomin' arse, mate? Time for another prawn on the barbie?


Oh dear.

I'll repeat "In reality I don't believe anyone is that easily categorized because of their political beliefs"

Mine was a bullshit list in response to another bullshit list. But go ahead and take it literally, I wouldn't expect you to understand nuance.

Y'all come back now, y'hear!


At least you admitted your list was horseshit. Now how ‘bout whipping up a bloomin’ onion, mate?


I admitted that in my original post which you may have understood if you had bothered to read before you went on the attack. I thought "Look at the stupid list I wrote" might have given you some clues but perhaps I should have put in it simpler terms for you.

Yeah. I'm Australian. Isn't that amusing? It's funny because it's different... I have no idea what a bloomin onion is though, probably something you assume is Australian because it's served in one of your "outback" chain restaurants. Not that ignorance about foreign countries is common among Americans or anything. Now, if you don't mind, I'll be jumping on my kangaroo and riding to the next billabong to meet Crocodile Dundee and Olivia Newton-John for SHRIMPS ON THE BARBIE. Because yuck yuck yuck, I'm Aussie, oh what a riot.




Nope. Didn’t bother reading your other post. Tell me where in the instructions that I was bound to read it?

Yeah, you’re an Aussie. Is asking you to enjoy a Fosters an insult to you? Is telling you to chill out and put another shrimp on the Barbie, insulting? If so, let me know and I’ll stop. If not, then why are you getting your knickers in a twist, mate?


Ha! Perfect.

You are a gem, User548, if that is your real name.

ps. Fosters in shit. That's why we ship it all to you.


So why so bitchy then, mate?


I don't believe anyone is that easily categorized because of their political beliefs. I think humans are entirely more complex than that

What you say is obvious. That's why I stipulated "Lefties" in my title blurb. I didn't say Independents or those who lean one way or another. Two of my brothers lean Left, but they're not intolerant, crybaby jerks. My list specifically applies to loony Libs who are constantly whining about the items on the list.

You regard your list as stupid and you were just making a point, I get it, but the turning-the-tables method isn't equally applicable. For instance, while Righties might regard homosexuality as a sin or unhealthy lifestyle, they could care less, for instance, when homosexuals walk into a restaurant, theater, park, etc. No one gives a sheet. Meanwhile Leftwingers intentionally aim to close down Conservative businesses that opt to not bake a gay cake or a gay pride t-shirt or photograph a gay wedding due to spiritual/religious conscience. (By the way, if you say this is wrong, you'll notice that many businesses refuse services on much lesser grounds, like not wearing a mask; and no one blinks an eye. It's the same thing with Liberal designers who refused to make a dress for Melania Trump; she just took her business elsewhere and didn't attempt to close down those designers).

It all comes down to this:

If a Conservative doesn't like a talk show host s/he simply turns the channel.
If a Liberal doesn't like a talk show host s/he demands that the show be shut down.

If a Rightwinger doesn't like meat s/he simply eats something else.
If a Leftwinger doesn't like meat s/he demands all meat products be outlawed.

The difference is like day and night.


- Freedom
- The Constitution
- People thinking for themselves
- Black people who’ve left the democrat party plantation
- open debate
- the scientific method

“John Wayne” lmao!

Charlton Heston
Anything Christian


The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed.


Appreciate the unique insight.


After seeing the list of responders, I feel like I'm at a Klan rally. Yuck !


Too many black, Hispanic, Asian and AmerIndian Conservatives/Independents here for that. I'm personally part-Abenaki. Sorry to disappoint you.

Speaking of the Klan, BLM (Burn/Loot/Murder) is the modern-day version of the KKK.


It starts and ends with their hatred and brainwashed against white people.
