MovieChat Forums > Politics > So is the "squad" finished?

So is the "squad" finished?

The squad is made up by:

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
- Ilhan Omar
- Ayanna Pressley
- Rashida Tlaib

After the DNC over the last few days it would seem they don't really played a big role at all with AOC getting a little over a minute for her speech. Have democrats turned on them or don't support them anymore?


Good question, they have been really quiet lately. Pelosi gave them the lazer eyes.


All it does is showcase how the DNC needs to continue changing its attitude towards progressives. When they are shut out, it comes back to haunt the DNC in the next election.


Their constituents voted for them overwhelmingly.
They are just one or four of over 400 members of Congress ... They aren't my favorites, but it is not a problem to have some diversity in the Congress. I was surprised Ilhan Omar did so well. She is kind of annoying.


The DNC tries to project an image of moderacy every 4 years for about 5 minutes. The problem is they have nothing to offer but hate and anger.


Hate and anger!?

Good lord , do you live in a closet?


I'm still hoping Ilhan Omar gets deported on Immigration fraud.


Not happening. She's untouchable.


Because she's not guilty of it. Unless you're talking about stuff that might prevent British citizenship.

As for US citizenship, she's more legit than the first lady who got here on the wrong visa.

But let's be real here. She's an Islamic refugee and a progressive democrat. That's all that's required to get caught up in the MAGA conspiracy net.
