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See BLM (Marxists), Antifa (New Brown Shirts) & Skanky White Trash In Actiion!

Damn, Congressman Nadler, the truth always hurts! The following belies your inane statement!

Rep. Jerry Nadler says Antifa violence in Portland a 'myth'

Jim Jordan Plays Clip Debunking ‘Peaceful’ Protests, Shows Scenes of Violence in the Streets




He only sees peaceful during the day but once his elderly pants go on during the night he closes his eyes and sees nothing.


The fat toad lies almost every time he opens his mouth. It's amazing how inept Nadler is at lying considering how practiced he is.


So very happy you have joined us! 👏🏻👏🏻Trip delayed?

Nadler a liar; Adam Schiff a liar (he literally makes my skin crawl!); Eric Swalwell a liar, Nancy Pelosi is a liar; Chuck Schumer is a liar. I’m well aware most politicians lie including Trump. But, there’s a big difference between a political lie and those who I referenced in their attempt to absolutely destroy Trump and any Republican who challenges them. What the Democrats did to Kavanaugh is unmerciful!

Most people if they believe in our God’s Word think God is all about love, not hate. He is for the most part. We are taught God loves everyone...hates the sin, loves the sinner. But, there are seven things spelled out in Scriptures that God hates. One being liars. Liars are so destructive. They destroy so many lives. Reputations torn asunder! Think about it. Think how a liar could destroy you, malign you, call you racist, etc. You can’t prove a negative! Where do you go to get your good name back? The liar doesn’t care. Schiff is one of the worst. He makes me think of a slithering snake. I despise him. If a truck hit him tomorrow the world would be a much better place.

The following could have been penned today about those mentioned.

Proverbs 6:16-19

There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.


Exactly Krl97a

He literally killed over 300,000 Americans this year. This pandemic did NOT have to be this bad. It's all his fault. He's a murderer and should get life in prison without perole 😡


See, Matilda you don’t read the facts or you choose to see what you want to see. Krl97a wasn’t referring to your nemesis, Trump, the reference was to the fat toad NADLER! Read and comprehend before you post. Your hatred of Trump causes you to embarrasses yourself! And dammit would please stop writing your moronic statement “Trump has literally killed over 300,000 Americans...”! A little over half of that number have died! And, for God’s sake Trump didn’t murder them! I swear the more you write the more foolish you read! You desperately need have a few screws loose! This is how I picture you. 😳🤪🥴


“Look at the ugliness. Yet one has a feeling within one that blinds a man while he loves you. You, with that feeling, blind him, and blind yourself. Then, one day, for no reason, he sees you as ugly as you really are and he is not blind anymore and then you see yourself as ugly as he sees you and you lose your man and your feeling... After a while, when you are as ugly as I am, as ugly as women can be, then, as I say after a while the feeling, the idiotic feeling that you are beautiful, grows slowly in one again. It grows like a cabbage. And then, when the feeling is grown, another man sees you and thinks you are beautiful and it is all to do over.”


Isn’t it pretty to think so?


I see a pandemic ransacking lives by killing over 150,000 and forcing millions to be evicted.


Months before the terrorism started the total number of people that ANTIFA put into the hospital was in the hundreds, as in over 500. People all around the US called the FBI and messaged them on all social media platforms and the FBI did nothing to stop this terrorist group from growing into the monster that it is. ANTIFA have been a known entity for years. The FBI refuses to acknowledge their existence.
De-fund the FBI?


I vaguely recall someone in the Trump administration wanted to add Antifa to the domestic terrorist groups. It was shut down. When I get rid of my migraine I’ll do some research. I can hardly make sure I’m typing this correctly. Lately my vision has been blurry so the migraine isn’t helping!😡🤕


It was “foot-in-mouth” Trump along with Barr who were going to designate Antifa a Domestic Terrorist group. As he has done so many, many times Trump made an off the cuff statement without consulting his advisors. He has never left the board room! Barr should have known better. After Trump threatened to follow-up to do what he announced, he was informed he couldn’t legally do so.

I am a Trump voter...not a supporter. For the past 3 1/2 years I have many times voiced my chagrin over Trump’s “foot-in-mouth syndrome. I have pleaded with him to SHUT-UP! All the good which occurred before the virus sucker punched him was over shadowed by his mouth! The economy was good. Black unemployment was the lowest it’s ever been. People were working who didn’t have jobs before Trump was elected. He was able to lower taxes on businesses which created more jobs. Fewer people on food stamps, etc., etc.

The following *may* be of interest to anti-Trumpers. Notice I wrote *may* due to the naysayers will always detest the man even if he cured cancer!

The List Of President Trump's Accomplishments So Far


I've seen a lot of destruction and some death from this myth.

The amazing part is that the media lets him get away with this truly farcical statement.


As doogie would say, oops winning? lol

I miss those.
