MovieChat Forums > Politics > Never Trumper "Lincoln Project" has ties...

Never Trumper "Lincoln Project" has ties to Russia, Democrat group, and tax troubles; described as "Grifter Project".

Its four founders, Rick Wilson, George Conway, Steve Schmidt, and John Weaver, disgruntled former RINO hacks who were essentially unemployed, and recently revealed to have been in financial holes with various pending legal actions, are basically using it as a money making scheme. They've raised almost $20 million. To pull it off they joined with a notorious partisan Democrat consulting firm called the Katz Watson Group that's worked for outfits from the DNC to Beta's campaign, and Democrat consultants Adrienne Elrod and Zachary Czajkowski, who have worked for Hillary Clinton, Obama, and the disgraced Katie Hill, among others.

They're tellingly not just running against Trump, but targeting even moderate Republicans like Susan Collins, and any Republican they can in a competitive race. Their commercials are just Democrat boilerplate, with no GOP values in sight. These losers are sell outs working for Democrats to dig themselves out of holes they dug for themselves, and they're being exposed.

You can read the articles for loads of details, but all these RINO guys have shady bios.

"Co-founder (John) Weaver, a political consultant known for his work on John McCain’s and John Kasich’s presidential campaigns, registered as a Russian foreign agent for uranium conglomerate TENEX in a six-figure deal last year, filings with the Department of Justice show.

TENEX’s parent company is Rosatom, a Russian state-owned corporation that also owns Uranium One — the company that paid Bill Clinton $500,000 in speaking fees and millions to the Clinton Foundation after then-President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed off on the controversial merger in 2010."

You can't make this stuff up.


MelaniasMirror has nothing to say despite all her posts hyping this fraud outfit. Shocking. No wait...that's not the right word. Predictable. Yep. That's it.


This was priceless! Of course they were all leading the charge on the Trump/Russia collusion hoax.


The OP is clueless!

Lincoln Project has repeatedly said they want to defeat Trump and Trumpism. Republican senators have not done their constitutional duty by providing checks and balances on Trump's criminality and assault on democracy.

Trump had a citizen arrested to prevent him from writing a book. The judge ordered him released.

"“I make the finding that the purpose of transferring Mr. Cohen from furlough and home confinement to jail is retaliatory and it’s retaliatory because of his desire to exercise his First Amendment rights to publish a book,” Hellerstein said at Thursday’s hearing. "

Trump sent Secret Police to Portland to stop peaceful protests and attack, gas and kidnap citizens off the street including the mayor and a veteran.

Lincoln Project and other concerned Republicans are fighting to maintain a democracy. The OP supports a tyranny in the making!


OP is nuts!


Wow! The caca is hitting the fan. The snakes are slithering out of their nests! Glory Be! Another dangerous group which works stealthily is the SPLC, Southern Poverty Law Center my arse!

Can you believe this hateful group calling some on their list Hate Groups? I’m from Florida and I know some they listed. They are not hate groups. They are Judeo-Christian groups. I’ve worked with some of the people who believe in scriptures.

Actually, the SPLC is worse than the ACLU because you know where you stand with the ACLU. Not so with the hate group the Southern Poverty Law Center. Just a bunch of shysters!


Thank you for posting this very important information.👏🏻👏🏻 I think I despise RINOs almost as much as far left Dems. Both groups go for the throat! It doesn’t matter how they get there...lies on top of lies!


The Lincoln Project hates what Trump has turned the republican party into. That's really all there is to it. Murdoch's NY Post can't change that fact.

They are grifters in the sense they are grifting away from instead of grifting to. They aren't looking to be democrats. They are temporarily teaming up with dems to defeat Trump so that the GOP remains the party of Reagan instead of becoming the party of Trumpism which has no clear definition other than boosting Trump's ego.

Personally, I don't like it. They are pushing dems center right when the majority of the population is ready for dems to actually act like dems.

In the Lincoln Project's defense, Trumpism has completely redefined what a RINO is. A RINO used to be a fiscal conservative who was socially liberal and would sometimes cave in to fiscal liberalism. Many Never-Trumpers do not fit that description, yet they are now called RINOs. Trump is changing the party to stand for something else, yet that something is undefined since "make America great again" can mean anything from banning kneeling to supporting confederate flags. If a repub doesn't go along with it, they are a RINO.

That said, ties to Russia doesn't mean anything. Show me the illegal shit.


The Lincoln Project founders are geniuses. The ads are on-point, and they've bought ad time in the battleground states during FOX morning and prime time programming (when the vile Trumptards tune in).

It has certainly paid off - Trump is losing in double-digits in three of the four states, and by 9 points in the last one. They are the envy of all PACs.


That said, ties to Russia doesn't mean anything. Show me the illegal shit.

😄😄😄😄 Everything in your post was false, but this final line was priceless, ultravioletx. After 3 years of the Russia Collusion Hoax. Thanks for that. 😄😄😄😄


Trump blocked his tax returns from Mueller as well as you, me and everyone else.

You're sitting here whining about legal shit that isn't even being hidden from you.


Huh? Actually I'm laughing my ass off over you suddenly not caring about "ties to Russia" after you and your communist comrades derailed the country for 3 years crying about the Russia collusion conspiracy theory you used in your failed coup attempt.

"Lincoln Project" co-founder John Weaver was literally registered as a Russian agent, LOL!!! Working on behalf of the Uranium One crowd to boot!

That's fine with ultravioletx, LOL!


As doogie would say, oops winning, lol


Damn, they certainly are! They know exactly what to do: play these ads repeatedly on FOX stations in the battleground states! In Florida and Minnesota, Biden is up by 13%! In Pennsylvania, Biden's up by 11% ! In Michigan he's up by 9% !

So where are they buying these ad spaces ? 'FOX & FRIENDS', 'Tucker Carlson', 'Hannity', 'Laura Ingram' and 'Jeanine Pirro'. All of Trump's favorite shows he recommends to his followers. A genius move by TLP.


You can't make this stuff up.

But you did, anyway.
