MovieChat Forums > Politics > What we learned from CHAZ/CHOP

What we learned from CHAZ/CHOP

1. The new "Summer of Love" apparently only lasts for 23 days.

2. The Mayor of Seattle is an idiot who doesn't care about putting the lives of native people in the zone in danger. However, march down the street in her neighborhood with shouting and angry protest signs, particularly where she lives, and she'll not only crap her pants, she'll suddenly decide cops are a good thing to have, and sic them on you to take your beloved utopia apart.

3. Without cops, you end up with a loser former rapper who declares himself a "warlord," who forms a gang of armed thugs who will beat up people for even the smallest slights that he deems to be infractions.

4. Apparently homeless people can't be trusted to not steal all your food on the very first day.

5. You end up begging the outside world for food and other necessities, because your awesome "cop-free utopia" apparently can't provide food for you (I can't imagine why).

6. You find out just why farmers work so hard to make harvests work, because those cute little gardens you set up in the park don't grow the food overnight like the city always made you believe.

7. Crime goes up 500% at night, and 4 people get shot and killed in less than 30 days.

8. Businesses are not safe at all and get broken into every night, just like in one of those post-apocalyptic tv shows, only scarier.

9. You can't care for the sick and wounded, because there's no hospital or medical supplies, so you gotta have people from outside the zone come help (after a long, unreasonable delay from the warlord's thug squads).

10. You can get deported without due process, and nobody bats an eyelash at you for it.

11. Getting deported from CHOP is actually a good thing.


12. Blacks get killed, no one cares.


13. Segregation happens with white liberals enforcing it, and blacks complying.


Yes it closed to early.


14. Despite carrying about Trumps proposed wall, walls are ok if they are built by the Left.


Yep; if a Liberal Democrap does it, it's ok.


Women pudgy and unattractive




You really should have a trigger warning on that. I can never unsee that hideous image.


Yes, we learned...but I hope to God one day we can forget about those useless things we used to refer to as...humans! This goes for the citizens of Chop/Chaz (or was it Chaz/Chop?) along with the feckless officials of Seattle! Barf! 🤢


That psychiatric hospitals need to be built and filled.

You cannot pander to the special needs and naturally violent.


I honestly was horrified when I read about why there are so many mentally ill people among the homeless population. It turns out someone had a plan of expanding existing mental hospitals back in the 80s-2000s, and building new ones in addition to those, but only got as far as releasing patients they couldn't keep, and then the entire plan just went up in smoke. I'd have to read more into it, but that's the gist of what someone else said about it on Quora.


By me its just werid...they must sleep somewhere and then in the morning they spill onto the streets.

Some are put in these government houses that house up to 6 of these psychos. Real crazy looking people... scary looking.

Cops and ambulance are there very often.

Who funds this housing?

And its getting worse, some real sketchy guys hanging outside stores.
