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Don Lemon would make a perfect president candidate

He shows compassion, he tells it like it is, he cares about the well-being of everyone. I've grown to have mad respect for that man. Just saying.


Well let’s see. He has no useful experience. No one ever heard of him before he was suddenly put in the spotlight for no reason. Gay. Androgynous. Racist. Hates the country. Wow he sounds just like Obama.

He’s got all the superficial qualities Democrats love.


I'd prefer an Obama imitation than a trump imitation.


Don't forget he's a lying dimwit with a penchant for laughing bizarrely at inappropriate times. Democrats love that in their candidates for some reason.


Don't forget he's a lying dimwit with a penchant for laughing bizarrely at inappropriate times.

So what you're saying is he will get the T-rump voters on his side, since this describes T-rump.


To short. Lets just stick with that pervert guy Biden.


April Fools Day is over.



Then in that case, Trump should've been taken outta office on April 2, 2017 lol.


Don Lemon is unfit and unqualified to be President. I can't stand that guy. He's a race baiter and a racist. He displayed his racism when he said that white men are the biggest terror threat to the USA. He also got drunk on air during the CNN New Year's event. He obsesses over Donald Trump's tweets since he's too lazy to report on anything else.


Anyone is qualified to replace the orange clown. Heck!! I was never a Bush fan, but I wouldn't even mind having him back.

At least Bush never went around suggesting that everyone inject Lysol to cure diseases. I never heard him call 9/11 and the SARS pandemic a hoax.


I agree with you that Trump is unfit and unqualified for the presidency. I'm hopeful that people will want to vote for someone with government experience in the future since Trump has demonstrated that his business/television experience did not prepare him for the presidency. My mother always preferred presidential candidates who had experience as governors of large states and I agree with her on that. I also think a senator with knowledge of how DC works is also good.


Lemon isn’t even fit or qualified to be a prime time anchor, let alone some loser beat reporter paid to fake looking like they’re standing in a hurricane.


Not sure if you're joking, but he's quite the phony and often dishonest.


Absolutely not!

Too emo and whiny


This is what's great about America. Stupid people can have opinions too, just like this one!



I agree. Stupid people supporting Trump and being racist. And idiots who believe everything fools tell them.

Heck, even Big Bird and Barney the Dinosour are better qualified to run this country!


I agree, what's great about our country is no matter how uneducated and even racist (much like the OP) you are you get a voice and we can denounce racists like the OP all we want.
