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Dr. Trump's Latest Stupid Cure for Cornavirus

His latest "cure" will likely kill people. You'd have be very stupid not to know injecting disinfectants can be fatal. This should be a hint as to the high level of Trump's stupidity.

Of course, plenty of Trump's cult will likely follow his dumb advice because they're just as stupid.


Unlikely light will kill.
The virus dies quickest in sunlight," leaving Trump to wonder whether you could bring the light "inside the body."

"So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just a very powerful light.
Its just a thought of maybe think this way. No different than in the past of thinking about going to space,or Columbus thinking of selling off for a new world.I bet you still think the world is flat.


Trump is a moron who doesn't have the most basic understanding of how a virus spreads in the respiratory system. Instead of firing scientists, he should be listening to them. He spent weeks promoting dangerous drugs which killed someone who followed his advice. His supporters aren't the swiftest, you know?

BTW, Columbus didn't discover the Earth was round. Most people knew that already. He did chop-off the hands of Indians who couldn't maintain his gold quota and bragged about the money he made selling 13-year-old girls as sex slaves.


You know this is a stupid idea when T-rumpers send elcamino out on the frontline to do battle.


I can’t watch those briefings anymore.
It’s painful to listen to him brag and ramble on and on.Those doctors must despise him.


I stopped watching Trump about a year ago.


And yet, here you are bitching about it. Contradict much?


I cant' even get any peace watching foreign news because the idiot-in-chief made their commentators laugh over his latest dumb remark.

Let's hear you defend injecting Clorox, cultist.



No names just used a broad term of a medicine that can kill germs as a disinfectant.
"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute," Trump mused. "One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you're going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds - it sounds interesting to me."


Good job for Lysol in capitalizing on the issue created by the dems and leftist media for FREE ADVERTISING. 👍


Yes I can see Lysol wanting free advertising. But Donald did I suppose mess up. I can see he wants a cure for this,but he also has to remember the number of people that went to school during the Clinton/Obama terms and how illiterate they are. He can just use disinfectant as a broad term.


Some Americans have been stupid for much longer. Red states purposely defund schools because stupid people can be manipulated easier.

Conservative propaganda brainwashed their constituents into believing college is a bad thing because it's "liberal" and an anti-intellectual culture thrives.


Responding to the news on Twitter, Donald Trump, Jr. called the censure "a joke," adding "the narrative can only be against Trump and if you break those rules the left will turn on their own."
Seems about right


Trump says something stupid and then backtracks by calling it a joke. Nothing new.


Why in the world would Lysol want free advertising, when their products have been selling out for the past few months ? You can't find stock on store shelves these days with Lysol products. And you really think they need free advertising ????????


Folks, we have a first here: Our favorite sleep-inducer is actually correct: If you listen to the clip President Dumbass doesn't actually advise injecting disinfectant, he merely asks if such a thing is possible...


It's a stupid question.

re: video - LOL


Thank you Dick Dick for finding the time from your torrid wanking schedule. You can resume again, but then again, I didn't even need to say that, yes?🤪🤪🤪


When did he mention those things?
"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute," Trump mused. "One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you're going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds - it sounds interesting to me."


The president of the U.S. doesn't know NOT to inject disinfectant?


he was just riffing... he's not anyone's doctor... every day i get messages from friends and family about home remedies...

this is a non-issue... just like that guy who drank fishtank cleaner...


Injecting clorox is not a home remedy. One man already died listening to him.


I'd imagine that man would have died anyway if he's that stupid...


Unfortunately, many Trump supporters are that stupid. That's why he needs to be careful about what he says.


He was alive when he voted for the reality Show con man


He was telling people to drink bleach!!!! What an idiot!


Let them die. Let natural selection take its course and get rid of them fast.


Not cool. I'd prefer to have critical thinking skills taught in schools.


I'd prefer critical thinking as well, then we elected..well you know who. Maybe natural selection isn't sooo bad?
