MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is Trump really that bad? Anti-Trumpers,...

Is Trump really that bad? Anti-Trumpers, personal stuff aside, what actions/policies do you most want to revert?

Do you want slower GDP and wage growth? Do you want the ISIS caliphate re-established? Do you want to scrap the Space Force or manned NASA program, keeping astronauts having to hitch rides on Russian craft indefinitely? Do you want the US to lose its new status as the world's #1 oil producer?

Do you want the First Step Act revoked and released inmates sent back to prison? Do you want to make Putin happy by scrapping our missile defense agreements with Eastern European allies or ending lethal aid to Ukraine? Do you want to roll back VA reform that introduced accountability and patient choice?

Do you want to unrecognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital? Do you want NATO members to go back to contributing less money to the alliance? Do you want to restore old trade deals that were slanted against US workers?

This question is serious. Virtually all the anti-Trump rhetoric is just personal attacks. Since a narrow but very vocal segment of the population, well represented here, is so hysterically anti-Trump that it treats opposing him as a matter of life or death importance, I'm curious if any of you actually have substantive policy grounds for this opposition. If so, what policies most motivate your opposition to President Trump?


He is getting things done, thats all that matters right? Dems just want Trump to fail so they can get back in charge and ruin our Country.


I want this guy put back in jail:

"His prosecution came after federal authorities staged a dramatic raid on the company's Iowa plant in 2008, arriving by helicopter and detaining 389 illegal immigrants, including children."


“Meat packing” sounds like something right up Buttiplug’s alley.



Which candidate do you think is most likely to do that, or to at least enforce sanctions on people like that who employ illegal aliens?


He’s not just bad. He’s Orangeman bad.


Do no Democrats here even oppose Trump's policies? Is it all just attitude and the "R" by his name that you hate?


is this considered a "policy" to oppose:?


Are you a Democrat? And are you talking about a company hiring illegal aliens or firing them? That second question is rhetorical because either way it falls under personal garbage rather than government policy so the answer is no.


What a fat orange hypocrite.


Actually I doubt Trump knew anything about it and either way it only supports his position that the current broken border status quo Democrats set up needs to change ("the way business has to be done..").

But is that why you hate and hysterically oppose Trump? Alleged "hypocrisy"? His weight? His skin color? Or are there substantive policy reasons for your rabidly hackish posting here?


"I doubt Trump knew anything about it"

Right. The genius Eric runs the thing.



Trump is a homophobic, sexist, misogynist, racist, ignorant, mentally unbalanced creep. the worst president the USA has ever had!! I can't wait until he is gone.


So you don't oppose any of his actual policies then, LOL? All you've got are canned personal insults?


Trump can bring back the lives of all the people who were killed by racists and antiSemites who were inspired by his speeches which they used in their manifestos.


Are you talking about those black nationalists (the "Black Hebrew Israelites") who shouted bigoted insults at the Pro Trump Covington kids and later went around murdering Jews in NYC?

Or Black Lives Matters activist Micah Johnson who murdered several police officers protecting rally goers in Dallas, telling police before he was killed himself that he was angered by media stories on BLM and wanted to kill "white people" and "cops"?

Or Democrat activist James Hodgkinson, a self described "Rachel Maddow superfan", who was killed trying to assassinate a score of GOP congressmen at baseball practice, injuring multiple people and grievously wounding Congressman Steve Scalise?

Or the Antifa guy with ties to the "Socialist Rifle Association" who committed the mass killing in Dayton?

Or the other Antifa guy who was killed attacking an ICE facility with a rifle and firebombs, who in his manifesto directly echoed the outrageously false "concentration camp" rhetoric of the AOC left?

Or the other Antifa guy who was killed at his daughter's school trying to pull a gun on a cop?

Or gay activist Floyd Corkins, who was inspired by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a radical hate propaganda site and money-making scam, to try to massacre the conservative Family Research Council, fortunately being thwarted by a hero who tackled him before he could start shooting people?

Or the various attempts to murder Christians at church, the most recent prominent example of which was quickly stopped in Texas by heroic private citizens prepared and empowered by the Second Amendment?

No, those still aren't polices and therefore don't count here. Aren't any Democrats here outraged by actual policies they want to roll back, or are they all just shallow pawns brainwashed into hating Trump personally?


Charlottesville, Walmart and Tree of Life Jewish temple to name a few. Bring back those lives.


So you don't care about any of the lives I just mentioned or the rhetoric that really did fuel those attacks. Got it.

Charlottesville was a punk threatened and egged on by punks on the other side who spontaneously plowed his car through a hostile crowd, tragically killing one person. Nothing to do with Trump. If anything radical leftists trying to divide the country were to blame for the entire setting (those trying to tear down rebel statues against a supermajority American opposition, the two time Obama voter turned white nationalist who organized the so called "Unite the Right" rally but still holds leftist policy views, and the Antifa/BLM laden "counterprotesters" who showed up with weapons looking to instigate violence).

Walmart was a guy who made clear in his manifesto that Trump had nothing to do with his views. In fact he was a leftist who opposed immigration because he favored an expansive welfare state, universal income, etc..

Tree of Life is a conservative Jewish Orthodox synagogue and the attack was perpetrated by a wannabe Nazi. In the aftermath President Trump met with the rabbi and survivors and was later praised by them for helping the healing process.

That's the type of President I want.

Leftists, including the New York Times, have actually attacked Trump for being too pro Jewish. The Times was criticized for running a cartoon filled with anti-Semitic tropes that showed Trump as a blind man being led by seeing eye dog Netanyahu.

Meanwhile Democrat office holders like Ilhan Omar have made disgusting anti-Semitic comments, and the Democratic House pathetically couldn't even bring themselves to pass a symbolic resolution condemning them.

So, as usual, the truth is the opposite of your claims.

You still fail to mention any actual Trump policies that are so terrible, but you also lose even on your own tangent.


Faux News propaganda.

Bring back the lives that Trump's hatred destroyed.


Still no Trump policies you can name? Pathetic Keelai propaganda. Weak.

PS - The Times of Israel isn't "Faux News", moron.
