MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why Did Trump Defend KKK, Nazis & anti-S...

Why Did Trump Defend KKK, Nazis & anti-Semites in Charlottesville?

In case you forgot:
Trump described them as "very fine people"!

Trump hired and defends evil Stephen Miler who enjoys torturing young migrant children by separating them from their mothers and placing them in cages without adequate food, no beds, no soap, and no vaccines.

Trump is the last candidate who should be calling another candidate a racist.


Damn you people will never stop. You people are obsessed with Nazis and burning crosses and Trump. I think if you went to an actual klan rally, you would ejaculate over the whole thing. Trump is not a racist and those kids in cages have been there since 2014, when Barry soetaro was President, which you jerk off lefties try to ignore. 4 more years big boy. Get used to it.


Not all Trumpists are racists, Nazis and anti-Semites. But all racists, Nazis and anti-Semites are Trumpites.


And all pedophiles and weirdos are democrats.


Trump endorsed pedophile buddy Roy Moore for Rep. Senator contradicts your dumb comment.

Trump's sicko sexual attraction to his own daughter:

1) "I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."

2) ‘Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father.’”

3) According to several studio witnesses, Mr Trump replied that he kisses Ivanka “with every chance [he] gets”. The comment was apparently edited out of the final cut of the show when it went to air.

Trump bragged about entering a room with pageant girls some of whom were underage.

I just have one question for you:

Do you think "grab 'em by the p#**y" Trump paid too much for sex or did Stormy get too little?


I just puked in my mouth a little bit.....what a sick man.


And Cathy O Brien said that she was raped by and forced to eat out Hillary Clinton (yuck). Anthony weiner exposed himself to minors and bill Clinton raped Juanita Broderick. And he used a cigar on Monica Lewinsky. Adam Schiff raped and murdered a boy next to Anthony bourdains bungalow. Wonder how he died? See I can play this game too.


Let's see here....

Cathy O'Brien is a known conspiracy theorist (why in the world do Republicans always turn to conspiracy theorists as their reputable sources ?) who swears she was a victim in a government mind control program. Very believable.

Juanita Broderick was under sworn oath when testified she was never raped by Bill Clinton.

Ivanna T-rump, however, accused Donald of raping her and violently attacking her at the end of their marriage in her sworn statement in her divorce filings (his defense: 'there's no such thing as spousal rape').

Your Adam Schiff statement is the definition of libelous, so I would really be careful of what you say on this forum. If Schiff is at all litigious like Devin Nunes, you will soon be on the receiving end of a major lawsuit. And YES, I have taken a screen shot of your response before you try to scrub it.


I dont think what I stated about Adam schiff is libelous. If it is, what you said about our President I would consider libelous as well. And the fact that you actually took the time to screenshot goes to show what a loser you are. I laugh at people like you because you claim to be oppressed and offended but will use that same power to oppress and offend those you disagree with.


It's interesting that you needed to turn to lies and conspiracy theories to find any Democrats. I only used Trump's own quotes and obvious factual information like Trump's very public support of the pedophile Roy Moore.

I suggest you attend one of Trump's rallies. Maybe you're get lucky and he'll grab your ___.


Keelai what's the matter baby, are you jealous? Do you wish that Trump would grab your pussy?


That's your fantasy. You're projecting!

Continue to support your degenerate, incestuous, pedophile big-butted fantasy.

You didn't answer my question:

Do you think "grab 'em by the p#**y" Trump paid too much for sex or did Stormy get too little?


It's interesting that you needed to turn to lies and conspiracy theories

His Schiff lie is really jaw-dropping. I can't believe he would even post something like that and set himself up for legal trouble. WOW! Maybe he's under the belief that Bill Barr will defend him ?


1. What you wrote about Schiff is definitely libelous, no matter whether you 'think' it is or not.

2. What I wrote about our President is fact and well-documented (Ivanna did say he raped her in her sworn statements during her divorce, and his defense was there is no such thing as 'spousal rape'). So your 'whataboutism' doesn't fly here.

3. It didn't take me long to take a screenshot of your reply with the libelous comment - it was a matter of seconds. Your commenting on it goes to show how scared you are of the trouble you may be getting yourself into (so start lawyering up!), if Schiff is as litigious as Nunes.

4. I never claimed to be 'oppressed' and 'offended' by those I disagree with.


is keelai a troll? He's losing it on the "yang dropped out of the race" comment thread


No, not at all. Keelai is very passionate about what he feels and believes in.


he seems unable to distinguish between his feelings and emotions and facts


You're projecting!


That’s why I gave you the facts about Bernie fundraising and volounteers and recent polling data. And your answer was

“They won’t vote a commie!”

Lol as I said. You are an emotional wreck and loser. We don’t want 2016 again with your failed corporate shills. Sorry


Can you do me a favor? Please stop following Keelai around to each thread he is in and derailing the whole conversation. Please. Make a separate thread. Hell I might even join in.


Because he panders to racists to get votes.


That’s correct
Dangerous and wrong


Of course it is.


"Trump is the last candidate who should be calling another candidate a racist."

You just wait until October when he starts running those Alice Johnson commercials 24/7.


Wait until the Democratic candidate starts running ads of Joe Arpaio, young crying migrant children in cages, Trump's "all fine people" and his buddy Putin.
Oops, My bad! It's already running! LOL!

Great tagline: Dump Trump!


I'm not a big Bloomberg fan but his funding for commercials like this will help the DEMs regardless of who ends up running.

I bet it really chaps Trump's ass that Bloomberg is more wealthy that he is several times over.


Bloomberg is running a smart campaign. He knows the real goal is to beat Trump unlike the other candidates who stupidly attack each other which helps Trump. Whoever is running his campaign should be running the DNC.




No he knows if he has to actually debate he would get crushed on his disgusting record. SO he avoids them. He's buying americas democracy and its disgusting. anyone who isnt shocked and horrified by it should evaluate their own position.


You don't know a damn thing about his record! Interesting that you buy into Trump's propaganda which makes you sound a lot like a Trumpite!

Bloomberg is literally paying for his own campaign instead of taking money from lobbyists like your candidate Trump.


Exactly lol? he's buying off the multiple branches of the DNC. he buying off politicians to support him. Its not actual average Americans people who support him donating to his campaign.

hahahah facts are now "trump propaganda".

wow what a disgusting dog you are. being happy about an oligarchy. any other democratic country and their citizens would be in uproar about someone buys democracy.

nope American has good dogs like Keelai begging for an oligarchy.

wow you pathetic beta.


We already have an oligarchy, dummy! Are you too stupid to know who the original voters as stated in the Constitution were?

You're such a hypocrite! You want to sit on your butt and get free stuff and then attack those who work for what they have. Unlike you, at least Bloomberg worked for his money and didn't have his hand out.

Bloomberg's popularity is going up because he's running a smart campaign unlike your crybaby "boohoo Hilary's campaign wasn't fair" Sanders. If Bloomberg can match GOP money and beat their butts in Nov. so I can watch Trump in handcuffs, then I'm all in.
A perfect ad which reminds Americans about how Trump is ruining the country and destroying who we are as Americans. "Dump Trump!"


"We already have an oligarchy, dummy! Are you too stupid to know who the original voters as stated in the Constitution were?"

so another oligarchs good? your "logic" is non existent kid.

"You're such a hypocrite! You want to sit on your butt and get free stuff and then attack those who work for what they have. Unlike you, at least Bloomberg worked for his money and didn't have his hand out. "

lol yes just like Sweden and Denmark and Norway. anyone who likes healthcare just "wants to sit around and get free stuff and not work"

you aren't really this stupid are you? for real? you can't be this dumb?

"Bloomberg's popularity is going up because he's running a smart campaign unlike your crybaby "boohoo Hilary's campaign wasn't fair" Sanders

Yes buying people is amazing! lets celebrate the failure of americas democracy!! LOL Bernie went from third to the front runner. He has raised the most, has the most donors, has the most volunteers, Polls best against trump and is above Biden in recent Polls. LOL what a loser Bernie is.

cool im glad you have a YouTube video.... wow sooo compelling...


You're too stupid! You act like Bernie isn't taking money from lobbyists, too. Who do you think will own him if he won? - which isn't going to happen since nobody wants a commie. Even the DNC is paying to bury him.

Sweden, Denmark and Norway have nothing to do with what Sanders supports, you moron. You're too dumb to know the difference between social democracy and democratic socialism. FOOL!!!

"He has raised the most"

No, Trump has raised much more than Bernie, dummy. Trump has more donors and more volunteers and a large professional staff who have been working on his campaign since 2016.

What''s Bernie going to do when Trump pounces on him? Cry because the big bad Trump campaign was mean to him like Hillary's?

You believe polls? What an idiot!


You are unhinged. The facts don’t matter to you lol. I am embarrassed for shills like you


Yet again. Facts > your feelings

Can you please tell me which candidate still cries about 2016 the most? Oh right it is hillary Lol. The person you love.


I'm pretty sure you don't vote. You just run off at the mouth. Bernie probably lost to Hillary in 2016 because your lazy butt stayed home. Are you even registered?

Unlike you Trump and Bernie cultists, I don't fall in love with any politician. You're as stupid as the Trumpites.


Hahah so in other words “I can’t actually argue your points. So I’ll just tell you don’t vote!!!!!”

Move along shill. I unmanned you


Obviously, you're not registered!

You're just a loudmouth without a job who wants a handout... and smokes way too much weed.

Enjoy, cultist!


Bloomberg is running a smart campaign. He knows the real goal is to beat Trump unlike the other candidates who stupidly attack each other which helps Trump. Whoever is running his campaign should be running the DNC.

I agree 100%. And I agree on what he is doing...he's waiting for the pool to empty out more, then he will start participating in debates, etc. A very clever move if ever there was one at this time.


No. hes just realized he can continue to buy support. why go into a debate where he will get negatively covered when he can just buy positive coverage?

sure its great for the democratic corporatists (if you think buys a democracy is good and a corporate democracy is.). til next time the next trump 2.0 is a rich republican and does the same.


You act as if the Republican Party doesn't have $100s of millions of dollars and will overwhelm any Democratic candidate including Sanders. Biden was hurt because he didn't have the money to spend in Iowa and N.H. Other candidates dropped out because they ran out of money. Grow up! It takes money to run a presidential campaign. Continue to have your dumb idealistic fantasies which lead nowhere. You are a manbaby! Deal in reality and not your stupid fantasies about how you wish things were.

Bloomberg is running because he knows the current field of democratic candidate are weak and could lose to Trump. Biden knew it too. This isn't about moderate vs. progressive, crybaby. It's about beating Trump!


Lol you are a corporate shill


Which corporation did you buy your smart phone or computer from to type that message, hypocrite?


That’s not how it works... saying I want fair taxes means I hate corporations and... am a socialist commie?

Lol never go full retard kid. You just did


"That’s not how it works"

Yeah, it is imbecile! You called me a corporate shill which means you must not be supporting them by using their evil products, right?

Which corporation did you buy your smart phone or computer from? Apple? Samsung? Dell? HP? Tell me the brand, coward!

I also want to know which brand sneakers you wear so I can research their foreign labor practices. I want to see how your money supports exploiting people in poor countries, you freaking hypocrite!


Soo all developed nations with higher taxes all hate corporations and are hypocrites for owning a corporate made phone?

Lol you are Shawn penn on I am sam


You must have an overpriced iPhone since you're too embarrassed to reveal which corporation you support. Only corporation shill is you, hypocrite!

How many children have you helped to exploit when you bought your overpriced designer sneakers, corporation shill hypocrite?


Lol you are unhinged. Go back to sucking Bloomberg’s dick lol


LOL! Whenever someone loses an argument, they resort to stupid insults.

I notice that you still haven't told me which corporate brand electronic device you're typing from coward. Nor which sneakers' brand so I can see how many foreign children your purchase helps to exploit.

Nor have you answered the question about registration.

I'm going to assume I have you pegged correctly:
A lazy freeloading slacker who has no job, smokes weed all day, loves Bernie but isn't registered to vote for him which makes you useless, a hypocrite who believes he's above those "capitalists corporate shills" but wants a handout from their hard-earned taxes, and not too bright because when he loses an argument he gains a potty-mouth. LOL!

You're pathetic! At least Trumpites have a crappy education in their red-states to blame for their mindlessness. I'm going to blame too much weed on your brain cells' death which was perfectly avoidable.

You can dish it out, but can't take it! Are you going to cry like your crybaby Bernie?

What a wackadoodle, you are! Thanks for the laugh!


More unhinged craziness. Keep it up please lol

Yes you and Hilary have been crying for three years straight. While Bernie number one. Stay irrelevant. Like you do oN here and in real life :)


Once again, you answer no questions. Obviously, you're projecting! YOU are the corporate shill and a hypocrite!

And you're a crybaby! Boohoo Hillary was mean to Bernie! Boohoo! Snowflake!!!

BTW snowflake, I haven't cried one day about Hillary losing because I knew there was a strong possibility that Trump would win. She was never likeable, she ran a poor campaign, she was overconfident she would win, she listened to poorly executed polls that falsely favored Democrats, and she didn't do everything possible to win.

The same way I knew Trump had a strong chance of winning against Hillary, I know he has an even stronger chance against that commie Bernie.

Instead of dealing with present-day REALITY, you want to live in fantasy land in which you believe people in middle America will support communism. You're too dumb for words!

I hate your type of stupidity!


This is a lie.


Blah, blah! Maybe it would sound more credible if he didn't have his white nationalist advisor separating migrant children and throwing them in cages, a history of discriminating against black people who wanted to rent an apartment in his buildings, referring to black populated countries as sh*tholes, calling for the execution of five innocent black teens, creating a Muslim ban, disrespecting the first black president with his racist birtherism rhetoric, defunding agencies and groups which protect against white nationalist violence, telling women representatives of color to go back to their countries even though they're all Americans, and having mass killers inspired by his speeches in their manifestos.
