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Does Trumps thousands of lies bother anybody?

Its insulting to his voters.
Why all the cult like support?


It bothers those of us with an intelligence. The others - not so much. They were more bothered by Obama's tan suit and Clinton's BJ by Lewinsky than anything T-rump has done or lied about. We've fallen a long, long, long way.


The Democrats constant lies, insults and disrespect toward our President bothers me.
All they know is hate. They've never given President Trump a chance since the day he was elected. Actually, a good year before that.
This goes for MSM too.


You didn't answer the question. At all. All you did was, predictably, do what 100% of Trumpers do in ALL of these arguments: deflect to the democrats.

Also, your deflection here makes you sound like complete fool--as if you're essentially stating that Donald's lies don't bother you because the dems lie...which doesn't even make a lick of sense.

You also really need to pull your head out of FOX/other right wing propaganda and utilize your common sense (if you possess any) and realize that it's not just dems who hated Trump from the onset.

But I'm addressing a Trumper. For you and your ilk, it's easier for you to pin a blanket label on every opposition to Trump: "Never Trumpers", "RINOS", "Libs" etc.

Anyone with a brain would know that both parties are corrupt. Having said that, it doesn't somehow give one side or the other the "right" to do it just because the other side is doing it. Otherwise, it's just two parties eating each other which is PRECISELY what is wrong with our goddamn country all the way to its core.


You guys play God here numbering his so-called lies according to you!
Get the log out of your own eye.
At least you do admit both parties are corrupt so I give you some credit there.

The rest of what you wrote is just generic noise filled with lots of assumptions lumping everyone together. 🙄


You literally did what every single supporter does RIGHT OFF THE BAT with your reply: deflect to democrats. That's the literal, initial, go-to answer every time. It's easy to lump you in with the rest when you literally do what they all do. Deflection in general is such a weak-ass, copout strawman defense.

You want to be taken seriously? Answer the damn question, stay on topic and stop trying to divert it to something else.

It's downright tiring watching Trumpers doing this and then you guys act forever shocked that people call you on it.


What you guys may call lies I may not agree is a lie.
You're gonna have to be more specific.


Pubs set the tone a long time ago, like with Joe McCarthy and going through Nixon, etc. They have always been a hateful clan and now love to claim the victim card when their own pigeons have come home to roost. That's all they can do, cry about being misused when that is their bread and butter. It's disingenuous and disgraceful.


Both sides take turns trying to outlie the other. That's why they are so vehemently attacking Trump, because he isn't the type to play by the rules. He has flaws for sure, but his biggest flaw, in their eyes, is the potential to upset the system.



Thousands of lies



Illegal FISA warrants... you actually fall for that shit!?
Trump associates Gates and Manafort are in jail from that investigation.


It should bother EVERYONE, regardless of party affiliation. Sadly, that doesn't appear to be the case.


Just from today’s rant:
No, CrowdStrike isn’t Ukrainian. No, that Texas plant didn’t just open. No, Zelensky wasn’t the one who brought up Yovanovitch. No, Trump hasn’t pulled out of Syria. No, Obama didn’t send Ukraine mere pillows. No, Trump didn’t get Veterans Choice.


That was just, uh, hyperbole.

You know, Trump being a salesman. LOL.


It bothers me a lot! The Trumpsters don't appear to care. They are blind to his many, many faults!


Trump culties


Maybe they are Strumpets?


When Trump lies it doesn't count. Because that's just his style. He's a salesman. Something something.

What a shitshow politics has become in this country.


Did Hillary's lies count in your eyes? Did Obama's? Does Biden's? Hypocrite much?


Wait, you're criticizing Hillary for lying?

Doesn't that make YOU the hypocrite somehow? Didn't you spend post after post trying to tell us that the posters who were pointing out Trump's hypocrisy over his golf vacations were the REAL hypocrites.


I'm not criticizing her for lying. I just know she's a liar. What makes you a hypocrite is that you give your lying dems a pass, but you complain about Trump for lying. You understand now? That really wasn't that hard.


Give me a handful of his worst lies and I'll let you know.


Big or little, a chronic liar can’t be trusted


And yet, you trusted Hillary Clinton. Hypocrite much?


Where did Hillary come from?


could you provide a list of 6,000 Hillary lies please?

Also, Hillary wasn't POTUS!!


So what? You wanted her to be POTUS. What difference does it make? No wonder why you're a hypocrite. You don't even know what hypocrisy is do you?


Who said I wanted Hillary?
Btw Eric. It’s way past yr bedtime


You didn't want Trump. What other choice did you have? Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

Seriously, how stupid are you?


Don’t call me names Eric or I’ll tell your mom!!


That's it, huh? Such a witless dunce you are. Hypocrisy proven. Stupidity proven. Ignorance proven.🙊🙉🙈

Congrats. You just hit the trifecta of idiocy! Such a model democrat you are! Get some glue and a dunce cap and glue on to your head. Remember, it's not to remind people that you're stupid. It's to remind YOU.🤪


That does it!
I’m telling yr father!
