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The communist Democrat lemming’s newest white supremacist Hitler? Bill Maher

Maher had the audacity to point out the distinguished representative Talib’s racist antisemetic ignorance.

So much for Bill Maher. Big mistake taking on the communist Democrat media/party platform of hating Jews and Israel.

Hate filled Democrats in a real pickle now.


only white christians can be racist, didnt get the memo?! libs seem to hush up about "racism" when members of their own party hate jews. for a group who love the throw the R word around, they sure are racist themselves...

as for maher? he'll dedicate 20 minutes to "trump is stupid" and all will be well in the democrat world


t-Rump is the new Hitler!


gd5150 sure loves them corporate democrats.


Communist. Oh that's cute.


Shouldn't have criticized that Muslim woman. That's Islamophobic.


I mean, the "evil" that Muslim woman was referencing was where Palestinian protesters and children were shot by Israelis. We're not allowed to call that evil now? Or maybe you can, but not if you have an Islamic background.

And how come nobody calls her Islamophobic? That Muslim woman has criticized Saudi Arabia even more than she has criticized Israel.

Bill Maher plays the same card of Antisemitism that Ben Shapiro plays.


Seems like legit criticism.


Liberals are eating themselves out from within. It's pretty much radicals vs moderates in the party while those on the right are unified with the cheeto in chief (hence no real opposition running mate).


And it’s gotten worse. Reeeeeeeee!
