MovieChat Forums > Politics > Poor liberals are still deranged over Pr...

Poor liberals are still deranged over President Trump

We continue to serve witness to the Left hysteria that is their own self-hatred unleashed from its chains. Has absolutely nothing to do with POTUS Trump. Most of them can not articulate why they hate Trump. Obama has not trained his useful idiots well but then again, they haven't gray matter so he has little to work with other than to appeal to their inner evil. More prevalent each day are militant avatars and hateful, disrespectful, deranged, and consistently stupid and misguided comments on throughout the Internet


The young left has mostly been indoctrinated though schools and media since childhood. The very far right hears and repeats hateful (sometimes) rhetoric at home. They never fully realize the truth of any situation, because they can see things from the other side. We need a return of the moderate right and moderate left. I think the moderate left is almost completely defunct now, but the moderate right is a big group.


You think they are deranged now just wait till Trump beats Pocahontas Elisabeth Warren in 2020.


Dream on, Contard. If Sanders couldn't manage to win the Dem nomination, there's no chance the DNC will let Warren run in '20.



Pocohantas won't even get relected ,so she can't run in 2020.


{ You think they are deranged now just wait till Trump beats Pocahontas Elisabeth Warren in 2020.}

OK I will fix it.

You think they are deranged now just wait till Trump beats whoever the far left wing nut-job the Democrats put in against him in 2020.


Imagine it’s 5 years later and this applies more now than ever.
