MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > Is this the best IMDb alternative you ha...

Is this the best IMDb alternative you have found?

So far this is the best one I have seen. Do you know any others that are equal to this?


The only other one that is close is the movie database.


i tried it. it has got some neat extra features, but the design and especially the forum system is abysmal.


Yes, I agree it is not as good in layout and usability. It is the closest in terms of the number of people using it. It doesn't do much good to have a site like this with discussions and have no one discussing anything.


doesn't seem like soo many users though. all the films i looked up there wasn't a single thread. also it seems to have a certain troll problem. at least the discussions i had here were for the most part informative and polite of nature. this is of course all subjective, but that's my experience so far in comparison.


I like it for the individual movie and TV show boards, as I'm glad the old threads are migrated here. The only problem is that these boards move far more slowly than they did on the original IMDb. I try to post to get the action going.


Well IMDB had been around a long time so had many members and this board is still new so not many people will have come across it yet as they are scattered across the internet in search of a home. It moves slower because it doesn't have thousands of members yet.

If you want it to be successful then you need to stick around like we are doing and make posts when you can.

IMHO it is the best replacement I have come across so far and I do my part to make it succeed.

"Make it so". - Picard.


Yes, I totally agree. We need to make it happen and we can do that by keeping on posting.

I've even been replying to two year old threads imported from IMDb, lol! Anything to refresh things and get this place in fuller steam ahead.


The short answer would be yes.



Yeah, this one has been the best one I've been sticking with so far. And it almost looks like IMDb still


It's awesome and I hope it keeps growing, but so far it only seems to be getting maybe 10% of the traffic the IMDb boards did, at least in this particular forum.

If IMDb no longer cares to host discussion boards, they would do us a big service by at least linking to any alternatives.

It apparently felt there was no longer a need for discussion, or that it was unable to keep a few snowflakes from being offended by other people's opinions. Maybe we should shut down the entire web while we're at it. Safety comes first.

Moderators: I just "reported" myself to see where the link led. ;-) (You just get a box asking if you're sure you want to report the post.)


This and some reddit threads are the best I've come across so far.


themoviedb is pretty great


I try to check out the different ones to find the best features, but I haven't gotten to that one yet. Does it have forums for individual shows (and threads within the forums)? Any imported past IMDb content?


it does. i don't think it has any imported content from IMDb though. you should definitely check it out, i'm hoping it will be the go-to place for movie/show discussions


Thank you, I'm exploring it a little more now. I've found the way to get to individual forums. I'm afraid that a lot of what I watch isn't being currently commented on (older shows, foreign shows, arthouse stuff), so not having the imported back content is a dealbreaker. But for new shows going forward, any site with a good layout could do well. :-)


Just comment. I spend alot of time on dead boards. Sometimes you actually get a reply. Try it and see what happens


I think it's always worth trying! :-). The archived info here gives me most of what I need, so it's just really nice to have that instantly available here at moviechat. I've tried a few posts for older foreign shows where I had just one small question, a little detail at the end of an episode, but it seems that something like that isn't something people recall or post about 13 years after the fact for a show not available on disc or streaming -- it's just more likely to be discussed at the time, so the old board info is most helpful.

But I'll certainly try if I need to in a different board. :-)


Since it's been two days any luck?


I checked back on 5 or 6 of the "dead" forums I'd posted in over the last month or so, and no replies yet, but that's fine. Fortunately, I got the answers I was hoping for from past posts. I'll certainly keep shaking the tree whenever I think of new questions. :-)


So far it is not bad at all.
