MovieChat Forums > Death Proof (2007) Discussion > Grainy, black and white and color

Grainy, black and white and color

Is there any specific reason for those changes?


This is where I think the Grindhouse experiment sorta failed. Rodriguez maintained a consistent tone with his grainy, scratched film look with missing reels.

Tarantino commits to this for the first half, then inexplicably drops it in favour of clean looking colour and b&w in the second.

He also can’t decide if his film is supposed to be ‘good’ or ‘shit’. On the one hand the master of dialogue crams the film with extraneous filler scenes of bad dialogue (as if the talentless ‘writer’ is trying to be Tarantino), but then the car chase is expertly filmed with a decent budget 🤷🏻‍♂️

Finally, both filmmakers can’t decide if they’re making a 70’s film (the whole aesthetic) or a modern one (mobile phones)

Was there some behind-the-scenes chaos we don’t know about??


I'm watching the dialogue part of the second half right now and the talking is lethal in its awfulness.
