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Louisiana Residents Now Need a Government ID to Visit Porn Sites

A new law went into effect on Jan. 1, with the intent of protecting minors from "harmful content."

For most sites in most places, verifying your age is a simple matter of picking a date from decades ago and clicking "verify." That's no longer the case in Louisiana.

Act 440, which went into effect on Sunday, requires the state's 4.6 million residents who seek to gain access to porn site likes PornHub to prove their age with government-issued identification.

Louisiana residents who try to visit PornHub are greeted by a screen stating: "Louisiana law now requires us to put in place a process for verifying the age of users who connect to our site from Louisiana."

Through a third-party verification site called AllPassTrust, users need to connect their digital ID or driver's license through LAWallet, Louisiana's digital driver's license platform. It appears that other porn streaming sites have yet to be affected.

Act 440 was authored by Republican state Rep. Laurie Schegel, passed by the state's Republican-controlled legislature and signed into law by Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards. Sites with a "substantial portion" of content deemed "harmful to minors" are made liable if they don't perform "reasonable age verification methods to verify the age of individuals attempting to access the material."

A "substantial portion" is defined as anything over 33.3%. So platforms like Twitter, where porn is allowed, are presumably unaffected. Content "harmful to minors" is described by the new law as that showing any of the following: "Pubic hair, anus, vulva, genitals, or nipple of the female breast. Touching, caressing, or fondling of nipples, breasts, buttocks, anuses, or genitals. Sexual intercourse, masturbation, sodomy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagellation, excretory functions, exhibitions, or any other sexual act."

Some hope that a similar law will be adopted at a federal level. On Dec. 14, Sen. Mike Lee, a Republican of Utah, introduced the SCREEN Act (Shielding Children's Retinas from Egregious Exposure on the Net), which would require porn sites to properly verify the age of its users across the US.

"Online pornography is extreme and graphic and only one click away from our children," Louisiana's Schegel wrote in a Dec. 30 Facebook post. "This is not your daddy's Playboy. And if pornography companies refuse to be responsible, then we must hold them accountable. This law is a first step."

Pornhub, XVideos and Redtube didn't immediately respond to requests for comment.

Porn is evil. The devils way in.


This is not a bad thing. Porn fucks up your brain, and warps your perception of intimate relationships.

It's basically a biological weapon.


Porn and crack...bad combination.


This is a useless law (also clearly a violation of free speech). It will only increase kids' desire to watch it--those that really want to, that is, and those kids WILL find a way ( e.g., "Anyone affected by this onerous requirement has a simple solution: Use a VPN. By connecting to a VPN server outside of Louisiana, someone within the state can visit an adult site and appear to be outside of the state and not subject to the ID requirement.")
But I do believe most kids are like most adults and can just take it or leave it (unlike poor blcksurn above who could not differentiate between actors getting paid and real life. Sad.) .


You said it best, VPN bypass all things censored. God damn, I remember the first time I watched porn was when I was I think 11-13 years old which started off with lingerie models from those big all-in-one department store catalogues (Sears etc.) to then a friend introducing me to one via a VCD at his place. Remember Carmen Electra and Playboy? Either way you'll eventually find it or it finds you before you start experimenting with Doctor play.

I do agree that porn can warp ones perception on relationships as many studies have shown since most of them are fantasy roleplay and the actors are trained in various ways to do the endurance they do on those cheesy film parodies.


For someone who thinks it's okay for a grown man to shower with his 12-year-old daughter I can only imagine what kind of porn you're into.


LOL the underwear pages in the SEARS catalog good times!


Isn't it "interesting" that it's usually been the politicians that have protested the most about things like porn, or tried to portray themselves as the moral protectors of America, that have been exposed as being guilty of the very things they've been shouting about?

P.S. Louisianna = (R)ed state.


If we need Internet Government IDs its time to establish an Internet Bill of Rights


Yup, you only need your phone to sign up for your Digital Voter ID!


IDs for porn aren't racist but IDs for voting is?


I like how they named numerous porn sites on the article so people can just search it up and start browsing... xD. These days people are into MILFS and cartoon porn for some reason...


That Japanese stuff is really weird and out there. It's all trash to be honest.


Require id for main stream porn sites but not the social media sites pedophiles are using to prey on children


ID for voting before all. Funny how porn has a higher level of concern than our voting system during election time. I mean the winner is only going to rule the free world.


The GOP sponsor's campaign logo looks like a penis and testicles:

She'd doing more to damage children's morals with her freaky-looking logo than any porn site!!! LOL!


If you're a pervert sure, your mind will take you there. I'm sure normal people see the middle finger or just a row of buildings.


The GOP sponsor is a sex-obsessed pervert who became a sex addiction therapist so she can hear XXX-rated details about strangers without guilt.

Her penis and testicles logo is classic Freudian.

Parents can easily use settings to limit sites on the computer. Law's not needed.


For someone who is supposed to be "woke" and full of pride you sure do sound hateful towards trans people.


Why are you bringing up LGBTQIA+ in this debate?
