cupcakekid's Replies

Why not let the mutants live and evolve on the new planet. Perhaps they become decent again after more evolution. That's assuming humans can even survive and thrive there. The mutants could have survived and terrorize them in a sequel. They could end up like "Don't look up" and end up as snacks for local fauna. Or maybe devolve into mindless mutants that find their place in the eco system. "Would you rather stay in the tree, eating bananas, and never knowing what humor, or empathy, or deep love felt like? I didn't think so." Yes. I just want my humble current human finite existance. I'm also the coward that would take the blue pill in the matrix. Don't wake me. It's a typical trope. Another is that they won't die unless you decapitate them, even then some still come back. At least they retired the one where the girl is miles ahead of the killer but twists her ankle and screams like a siren to attract the killer. "Immigrants should be grateful for the countries that allowed them to immigrate" If you were to teach gratitude to your children, would you tell them to tolerate what the Chinese had to endure? "Liberal Wikipeida as source? Please." That's a lazy dismissal. If they said 1+1=2, would that be wrong? "No movie is made in China without the approval of their dictatorial government" There are. Some got taken down after release. Some won awards at foreign film festivals but hard to find in China due to censorship. "I didn't say pro Communist propaganda, I said it's Chinese nationalist propaganda." You literally said in your opening post it was "explicit Chinese Communist party propaganda". They did the scene growing strawberries. It could go 2 ways. Either she embraces freedom like the truck driver or she is doomed to eternal suffering like in The Age of Innocence. For the same reason Martin Scorsese said The Age of Innocence was his most violent movie. Seemingly mild social moves which go against the mores of society or simply being can have catastrophic consequences. You need to calculate your every move to make sure you haven't broken some unwritten rule. It reminds me of Japanese society where social ostracization is feared more than the law for some minor infractions. The pain is emotional and psychological. It is real slow burn torture. Even the glimmer of hope at the end is snatched away. A quick end from a bullet might be less tortuous. The events in Nosedive are similar. Working hard alone isn't enough to get by. It's also stuff we have seen, one wrong move can wreck your life. It's happening in China with people unable to pay their mortgages. Their bank accounts are frozen. There is no bankruptcy, you are on the hook for life and yet your life is also highly restricted. People are afraid to buy homes now. Why did he kill them? So Cliff would feel the same pain? That seemed uncalled for. They mentioned they wanted to test something with humans. Plus if the link goes down, the humans still function in space but the replicas would be down. Japan and South Korea are going to have a hard time. S Korea's birth rate is 0.78 and that is propped up by some foreign brides. Their population is projected to more than halve in 2070. Nothing wrong with that on its surface but can you imagine the economic and social instability associated with that juxtapositioned with their economic system? Have you seen what is happening outside big cities in Japan? Small towns are dying, consolidated to a point before those are too far gone as well. Why have they been in a decades long recession? Because population is contracting so there's no new demand. Corporations have money but won't invest for that reason. They have to work ever longer hours which further craters birth rate. It's a death spiral. You realize why you aren't seeing majorities being replaced in China? Because it already happened over centuries. Do you think Han Chinese were the majority in all of China historically? They conquered / immigrated / replaced / assimilated. A chunk of Han Chinese weren't actually Han Chinese, they just assimilated over time. Some of the last names can still be traced to minorities that sinicized themselves, you just might not be able to tell from a cursory glance. Some countries are souring to immigration. We've seen it in Denmark, France, Austria, Germany, Italy, Sweden, UK. Some of these parties have won power or are still growing in support. One reason they have been so pro immigration is because their birth rates fell and their social safety nets require working age people to pay in as they were set up as ponzi schemes or the govt just spent the excess at the time. Now working age people has fallen they use immigration unwisely to prop it up but instead they should have been stricter like Singapore where they are mostly guest workers who eventually go back to their countries. That prevents them adding themselves to the ranks of the aged. They also set up social programs responsibly. Google. It was basically 28 days later if Eli Roth directed it. They do. Some Chinese history is based at least in part on records left by the previous dynasty. Of course some will be censored. Alfred, his wife and Edward are horrific to Uhtred. He is promised men to take back his lands but they never come through. At every twist and turn they screw him over. No matter how many times he saved them. They are hyper ungrateful. The number of men needed to retake his fort is laughable. There's enough men in the tavern at times to overpower it. Even when he does retake his fort, it was only tangential to the aims of Edward. You don't have to like Uhtred to notice how much they owe him and yet time and again are ready to sacrifice him. It might be required to be ruthless to rule but they go overboard. Even times when the cost is little they won't help him. Aelswith only becomes tolerable in the last season or so and reserves herself a room at his fort. >You can’t tell me it’s “blind casting” because if it were blind casting then where are the Chinese and Indian or Pakistani actors? Among Withgar's men there is one asian, you can see him at the start of the last episode in season 5 and appears throughout. He notes he gathered men from around the world when he first arrives at Bababenburg. There's arabs and black men. Women had been fighting before and after. During the fall of the Ming Dynasty in China in the 17th century there are records of the Mongolian wife of a general fighting as her fort fell, until her arrows ran out and they died. During the Tang Dynasty in the 6th century there was a female general commanded armies. She raised an army, then persuaded other rebel armies to join her and in the end amassed 70000 troops. Her contributions were decisive in her father conquering the realm. A few generations later a Queen not only took power but officially declared herself emperor which is unique in Chinese history. It was thanks to her that the empire kept ascending. There's no shortage of notable women in Chinese history in spite of the sexism. They saved kingdoms, fought in battle, ruled the realm, secured succession etc. Many women resisted and stood up to power. Sometimes women with children can be the fiercest. Glass ceilings were being smashed long before Brida's time. Look up the Truong sisters from Vietnam. As for Brida, she was interesting. They managed to make me change my view of her several times which shows good writing. I did feel they pushed women too much after Edward's sister tried to enthrone her daughter. However, that didn't work out and she really wasn't cut out for that which made it more realistic. Also Lady's Aelswith had an interesting evolution. The games were rather despairing at times as most people or infected wanted to kill or harm you. Bill was just surviving. He was doing fine. And yet by the end he left with Frank despite his objections to Frank's way of life initially. What he found was a reason for living and living well. Joel survives just fine but he needed a reason to live. That reason is Ellie who is like his replacement daughter. Joel's journey with Ellie will follow a similar trajectory. No matter how miserable life is they find comfort and reason to keep going for someone else. Without it they might as well skip all the exposition and just have waves and waves of attackers every episode. We all die. Are all our relationships similarly pointless? I saw this as someone that was similar to the initial Bill. I was resisting the urge to tell him to kill Frank at the start. Would Bill have lived longer without Frank? Possibly (if we assume he doesn't get shot in the attack). But would he have fully enjoyed life that way? What makes us fully human is the ability to love and sacrifice. Apparently the infected are still aware of what is going on but have no control. These plot points show the contrast and how we can make selfless choices, even if sometimes they lead to ruin. Most preppers won't have everything. Even dedicated ones will have to cut corners as resources are usually not limitless. There's always something they could have done better. Some of the stuff is acquired after the fact.