MovieChat Forums > Yip Man 4 (2019) Discussion > That Chinese bitch does't get to bash Am...

That Chinese bitch does't get to bash America

Sorry you don't get to bash the country that allowed you to immigrate and be racist to it's people just because some teenage girl is mean to you in school.

And before people start calling me a butthurt Trumptard, I'm not even American nor do I personally know anyone who is.

I know Chinese movies have habit of portraying all non-Chinese as bad guys, and Chinese always as good guys (they're all state sponsored propaganda nevertheless), but this is just over the top.


The movie may have gotten cringe and over-the-top with the "racism is bad" message, but the Chinese girl was just getting back at the blonde girl, she was being bullied and she gave blondie a taste of her own medicine.

That said, her remark about the Native Americans being the "only real Americans" is incorrect, since they are descended from Asian immigrants. The Norse and Beringians also immigrated to America at some point. Finally, it was the British colonists that formed "America" as we know it, before that it was just land that others occupied. It's just a matter of debate on who really got here first before Columbus finally put it on the map for the world to see. However, she's right that the land has always had immigrants.


The film went overboard. Not all non-Chinese were bad. There was an african american ally - Bruce's student who also informs them of the impending immigration raid. Did Bruce not have white and black students who fought off the bullies in the diner?

Why were Chinese in Chinatown? Have you examined what it was like for Asian Americans in America? They were made to work harder for less. That pissed off white low wage workers and were used as scrapegoats politically. They were actually specifically banned from emigrating for a long time whereas white people could come in freely. Chinese people cleared the west but later in some places Asians their own farm land seized or forcibly sold. There's accounts of Chinese and other Asians being lynched.

Chinatowns begun as they were confined there due to bigotry. Non-citizen Asian men that married an American were singled out for denial of citizenship. Asian women were limited to stop Asians from perpetuating. Asians tried using the courts to help them and they got some relief at times but then the people and politicians were so anti-Asian they passed laws to trump the courts.

America, Britain, Japan and other European countries had just come out of centuries of quasi-colonization of China. They didn't allow them to emigrate but they forced their way in with guns. Have you any idea how many Chinese died because of them? Chinese weren't even allowed to live in certain areas of their own country due to them.

A teenage girl? She recruited 6-7 boys as well and came with a blade.

The bullying, ghetto-ization, social attitudes of Chinese as criminals, lack official recognition for their contributions, inequality in institutions, legal discrimination were all based on historical fact.

Chinese movies can be a bit backward and due to censorship have to be careful. There are bad Chinese main characters in Chinese media but even those are getting rarer.


Nothing you wrote is a counter argument to my original post. Immigrants should be grateful for the countries that allowed them to immigrate and not bash the majority ethnic group which allowed them to have a much higher living standard they would have had back home. And that girl's "point" about White "stealing" the native American land is 100% bogus. They never stole anything.


"Immigrants should be grateful for the countries that allowed them to immigrate"

If you were to teach gratitude to your children, would you tell them to tolerate what the Chinese had to endure?
