MovieChat Forums > Yip Man 4 (2019) Discussion > Wow Tucker Carlson was right

Wow Tucker Carlson was right

This movie got 90% on RT by American critics despite being an explicit Chinese Communist party anti-American and anti-White propaganda. Tucker Carlson is right. American media and establishment are pro Chinese and traitorous to America. And I'm not even American.


I took it as more of a call for peace between 2 great nation's. And I agree that introducing Kung Foo to America was a smart way to get Americans to appreciate and respect Chinese immigrants. Notice at the end they show the American flag and not the Chinese flag.


Not exactly correct. The corporate media, at least big chunks don't want to offend China. They are after profits so that isn't surprising. Their loyalty is not to America.

Where was the pro-CCP propaganda though? Ip Man lived in Hong Kong which was under British rule. At the end he opts to not send his son to the US but stay in Hong Kong. They did not decide mainland China was much better.

Where did Ip Man get the idea of schooling in the US from? The doctor that treated his son was educated in the US. When he conversed with his friend, it was said offhand that getting that education from abroad and coming home was rather prestigious. Notice that doctor was a western doctor and not a traditional chinese medicine practioner. Chinese martial artists will rely on TCM methods for lesser injuries and yet he takes his son to a western doctor.

When Ip Man first arrives at the Chinese Benevolent Association he meets Master Lam who was also a recent emigrant from Hong Kong. He went to another continent than to the PRC.

At the end, did you read? The epilogue stated that Chinese martial arts were incorporated into the US military. It's like the ultimate desire was for white America to acknowledge them. You can spin that as pro-Chinese in that they are good enough to be adopted by those who looked down on them. You can spin it the other as Chinese people crave white American approval. It seems typical of a film helmed by Hong Kong Chinese.


Evil racist White girl at school. Chinese characters are all good. Evil racist White bad guy (Scott Adkins) disrespecting Chinese culture and martial arts and viewing Chinese as an inferior race. Typical pro Chinese propaganda. Just imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and the movie had this all reversed. It would be crucified as racist and anti Chinese.


Imagine? We don't need to.

Not all the white girls were racist. Plenty were on her side and cheering her. The white teacher defended her. Bruce had white and black students. Did they not help fight off the bullies at the diner with him?

There's bad Chinese in the whole franchise. A basic trope in most of these movies is that all the other Chinese masters hate on Ip Man until he bests them and wins their respect.

The masters at the first Chinese Benevolence Association meeting actually showed the Chinese being reverse racist. They were hating on Ip Man due to Bruce teaching non-Chinese. That didn't look good to me. They come around after the beating when they shelter at Bruce's school.

The bullying, ghetto-ization in Chinatown due to various racist laws, institutional bias, inequality under the law, discrimination, lack of recognition for their contributions were all part of the Asian American experience.

That said, this is the type of movie Hollywood would have made from the 1900s-1970s. Chinese media is paternalistic, full of tropes, careful to not fall foul of ever increasing censorship etc so they are still at that cringe stage that Hollywood now moved past.

Where is the pro communist party propaganda though? I notice you retreated now and missed out the communist part.


Liberal Wikipeida as source? Please. And the past is one thing, I'm talking about Hollywood would never make a movie like that now and if it did it would be called racist.

The main bad guy of the movie is such a blatant stereotype, it's laughable. The same with previous Ip Man film.

I didn't say pro Communist propaganda, I said it's Chinese nationalist propaganda. No movie is made in China without the approval of their dictatorial government and their government is very patriotically Chinese. As you have said this movie is full of tropes. I stand by my original comment that it's Chinese propaganda.


"Liberal Wikipeida as source? Please."

That's a lazy dismissal. If they said 1+1=2, would that be wrong?

"No movie is made in China without the approval of their dictatorial government"

There are. Some got taken down after release. Some won awards at foreign film festivals but hard to find in China due to censorship.

"I didn't say pro Communist propaganda, I said it's Chinese nationalist propaganda."

You literally said in your opening post it was "explicit Chinese Communist party propaganda".


Great examples. Made me rethink the movie a bit. The thing is though, I don't think Chinese Film media will ever get past the 'cringe' stage due to censorship and control by the CCP so we'll always be getting this stuff. Notice you don't see the US Film portraying enemies as Chinese if at all no more for quite a long time now. On the other hand, you got films like The Battle at Lake Changjin 1 and 2 showing in Western theaters but you won't see any such thing in Chinese theaters if it were the other way around. They totally control Hollywood for the most part due to the 'PROFITS'. They've more or less neutered Hollywood, mostly, but there are breakout movies that don't need to rely on the China market.

Check out the top grossing Chinese films, you'll notice many of them are Pro-China beating up foreigners.
