buzzlightbeer's Replies

Heavenly beauty. Ibthink she reached the pinnacle with slumdog. She was about 22 then. 'Sigh' Lmao Lol Nope too thin for me. I'll stick to AOC Well he lived, so..... Smart ass lol man this is tough. both are great. i don't think i could pick just one. can i have both? lol carla has great boobs. nice size, supple, natural with a nice jiggle to them. gina has the better whole body. love her bi meaty thighs and ass. yum. carla is probably prettier in the face, but gina has that nice jawline and shape to her face. i dig both lol me too. she's great. yes it is well done. love soderberg's style. good script too. i have it. IMO 5.8 is way too low. people are ridiculous lol Big ole boobies tho bingo. it's one of those cases when if you know, you know. if someone doesn't get it, i can't explain it. it's deliciously epic and timeless, a pinnacle of the artform. it also has a perfect merging of form, content, and theme. and let's not forget the music. one of the best scores ever done. :) absolutely. totally top of the line. I want to see her boobs. I MUST SEE HER BOOBS!!!!!! I MUST SEE HER BOOBS!!!!!! I MUST SEE HER BOOBS!!!!!! I MUST SEE HER BOOBS!!!!!! I MUST SEE HER BOOBS!!!!!! I MUST SEE HER BOOBS!!!!!! I MUST SEE HER BOOBS!!!!!! I MUST SEE HER BOOBS!!!!!! I MUST SEE HER BOOBS!!!!!! I MUST SEE HER BOOBS!!!!!! I MUST SEE HER BOOBS!!!!!! boobs. go back and look at the B@@BS. yeah i am with you on this. it's actually rare to see one with a good shape and even rarer to see one with a genuinely pretty face. there are rare exceptions. but my comments here refer to oriental asians, not the indian population. IMO indian women are a lot prettier than oriental asians. same for middle easterners (persian, etc) my .02 she's prettier in the face, maybe, but AOC gets my vote. Them world class mams are to die for. Lol MILF