buzzlightbeer's Replies

yes. turns out I am a good guesser: [url][/url] Yes. I would love to paint those lovely milkbags. She is incredible. Very dumb. But exquisite. I distinctly recall feeling lost the first time i saw this, so its not you. Dont feel bad. This movie has become one of my favorite rewatches so i know it quite well now. But i agree it has a lot of moving parts and names to remember. Another thing is a lot of the story is happening off screen and being shared with the viewer through exposition in the form of dialogue. Plot information shared this way is hardee to follow, and this film has was more than normal. Its better on a second or third viewing. I think its a masterpiece. ""his face sticking out of the mask looks familiar"" When they unmask him on the TV news he resembles Michael Ironside IMO [quote]Now people don't remember, they can't really follow the story, and mostly they don't seem to care anymore.[/quote] Well said. Tragic but true. Oh but how far we have fallen. :( :( :( Can someone please cite the specific points cited by NatGeo which led to them rejecting it? Thanks Mitt is a shaved vagina. Soft and smooth and void. me too, brother. i'm glad to see someone else who sees his capitulation to the SJW theme as disturbing. i noted bits of this in yellowstone but eh, chose to overlook it. but honestly his new woke direction seems 180 degrees from the guy who wrote sicario. he's my number one fave right now, but even having said that, i too am rethinking my endorsement of him moving forward. but i will always love sicario. it's that heavy, bulbous rack, fellas. that's what does it. yes!!!! finally somebody agrees with me!! her milk bags are delightful. absolutely delicious. btw there's a great reddit thread in this lol [quote]1.) The SJW Crowd who need everyone to be black, brown, gay, undecided, whatever. [/quote] exactly theatrical, IMO I realize everyone, EVERYone will disagree with me. Hell, im used to that lol But to me plausibility is a very large portion of casting. Tim mcgraw is just not realistic as a tough guy, sorry. i think the casting is all wrong. sorry, but i just can't see tim mcgraw as a tough mountain man. people today seem to think that adding a beard to a man makes him automatically tough, or something. tim mcgraw is the epitome of a beta male. go watch him in blind side, to see for yourself. they cast this based on notoriety and marketing, instead of performance. similar to the days in music when they'd choose the new boy band by looks, THEN teach them the instruments.