buzzlightbeer's Replies

don't even know what you are referring to. but it's beside the point because he was referencing the theory of asians as being the founding group for north americans, not the creation story LOL right fuck you, troll. lol [i]So you're saying this Ortega person is only valuable for her race? No. She has a cute body too. [/i] lol Interesting. She must be changing her brand. Did a quick search n see the weird pics you must be referencing. When i made my post she wasnt like that. They look so heavy. I want to squeeze them. "we will have sex in that car again! It will happen!" I agree. Theres something quite odd about his look that you cabt pinpoint. Androidish, like you said. It reminds me of my reaction to clancy brown in highlander. Just creepy. Like he is from a hybrid species or something. Initially i thought he is albino, but i dont think thats the case. Maybe that helps him in certain roles. But its offputting like you said. I find myself instinctively rejecting him in the way animals ostracise a sick member of their herd. Lol agree [url][/url] [url][/url] he was aprox 40 at the time. i think i remember thinking he was too old for the girl. interesting. yeah, but that's normal for hollywood. like the old movies where a 50 year old was courting a 23 year old lol i think mel cast himself in the lead for obvious reasons, figuring the viewers wouldn't probably even realize he's older than the authentic character. i think wallace was actually quite young. btw the sister movie to this is really good, with chris pine playing robert the bruce. (outlaw king) wrong. documents released yesterday showing the UK did a witch hunt on him. Tim Pool did a segment on it last night. 100% confirmed. [url][/url] still hot imo maybe even better. got some thickness there. the older mandy sorta favors Freida Pinto which is one of my main crushes ever. i think she's very pretty. thanks. coulda said more but it was late and i was on my cell. i hate typing on my cell. i think i have posted longer ones about halloween in the past, may try to dig those up. agree about the year. it cut new ground, and that escapes most people. i see it as a stand alone, and pretty much ignore the other 17 halloween films (withthe exception of H20 which i thought was a nice recap). so yes, if not seeing it 'in the context of 1978 and all the surrounding factors that encompasses', then they miss the true appreciation. another thing is, as i recall, most of the violence came at the end, after a long simmering tension was allowed to build during the film. yet another thing is the fact (this is big IMO) that it has nothing metaphysical or supernatural in its details; 100% plausible, something that could actually happen IRL to someone on your street. to me this helps bring it home and add authenticity. as i said, i have expounded further in the past. these are some tidbits i recall here, but not a full analysis. cheers! Because it stands out for its writing and style. It is psychological horror, not overt like the others. It makes great use if understatement and nuance, inference. The danger is largely latent, and it escalates to a crescendo.then it leaves things open for the viewer to draw conclusions. It doesnt lead or spoon feed the viewer. I could say more, maybe later. I love this film. Imo you either get it ir you dont. :) I should have said imo. I think they rival Pam Griers. Maybe you like silicon? I love soft naturals. ......And a tip for ya, no charge: When someone uses hyperbole in idle chat about soft topics, its not meant to be taken literally :) they sure don't. i love the 'vibe' from this film. i have rewatched it many times. and now it makes me sad when i see it, because paul walker is gone. :( but they were so cool together. and alba was off the charts hot in this, omg