Biggs111Mr's Replies

Now I know that but I was little kid so I didn't know any better u know lol. Um...the moon fight was okay but it wasn't as intense as the Clark Superman fighting was u know. Superman was really scary when he's bad too. I remember having goosebumps on the junkyard scene so scared Clark will lose & probably die. So glad that didn't happen ☺ Ok're on a different wave length now. Um..I think the Driver really wanted to give Bernie the benefit of the doubt here & not to strike so fast as he usually would when facing things like this. It backfired tho. Umm...Johnny lost his cool after Danny poured water on him. He wanted Danny to pay with a beating he'll never forget. It still goes back to the sensei u know. That no mercy crap & teaching people a lesson & stuff. Things got out of hand in that moment is all. I dealt with some bullying when growing up & things got out of a hand a few times when I tried to fight back like when the bully tripped me hard & I hit my head on the step. Teenagers dont think things through in the moment u know. They do stuff out of emotion. Huh? Did u even watch the movie? Everything in it is clear u know not hard to figure out. The Cobras were bullies not trying to kill Danny or anything like that. The sensei wanted them to eliminate Danny from the tournament & this shows with the extreme stuff with Johnny & Bobby all by their teachers orders. I mean gee not hard to figure out 🙄 Johnny was just giving Danny respect for the fight, gee. Uhh...she looked like a fairy queen to me. Yea it's so so good! How could they not give Denzel an Oscar nominee for his role?! Wow that's freaking amazing! Saw the original at the cinema in 1978?! And he saw the original Friday too?! Hey who cares about age. Marcy not a kid & u like what u like. Don't let m2m mess up what u find attractive u know. Yup looks like Halloween or a dreary turkey day 🤔. Uhh...I don't understand? What made him seem supernatural in this movie? The only thing I can think of is how he survived all those gunshots in the end? He's not an alien like ET u know. Superman is superhuman but looks human like us. Rake is just mean! I like that scene & always will. I got scared when I saw it as a kid hey! Don't say that! It's mean u know. I liked it & I still do especially when the bad reverend goes after the handicap boy on the bridge. Lots of suspense in that scene. Yea the movie looks sick u know. I wanna see it now asap! Yea so true! It was too many sequels & it just got worse with maybe a few cool parts but it was never the same. I think the series should have stopped at part 1 u know. Uhh...I disagree with all of you. I just saw this movie & ugh didn't like it all. It's over the top silly & the sister was annoying. I was never excited about it u know but since I liked his other 2 movies this should've been a little better 😑