Biggs111Mr's Replies

Um...we know there are married gay folks & stuff but it seems like movies now are trying too too hard to cram it in every little thing they do. It's annoying & not needed. I thought the fight scenes was good mostly in the Aquaman vs. Black Manta battles. To me, it kept me wanting more from it but overall to me the movie was pretty good but longish. Huh?! It wasn't hard! Superman ripped off the sunroof. Water made it slippery & u know this so stop that. The forced comedy to start the movie was kinda lame I agree but the Clark Kent vs. Superman fight was the best! Stop it! The Exorcist is not boring! It has lots of meaningful subtext & the makeup was real good on the girl even by today's standards so please stop the nonsense! Huh?! This ridiculous movie will be a flop & it will be forgotten weeks after release. As much as I love Titanic it's still a product of its time & will not reach today's audience like it did back then. But, um, that's a good thing u know because it's a classic from yesteryear! No no no! This movie made so much money because of the madness of the sinking ship not just because of Leo. Kate also got Nominated & won in another movie as well as Leo u know. I saw this last night & it's still so good! I love how well they fleshed out the Rose girl. She carried the movie to me! Jack has good chemistry with her & I really liked the special effects. It's not exactly cgi type stuff but it's good & holds up. Hey we don't need stupid cgi to have good effects u know. Yea true but I don't know any movies at all with somebody's mother getting stuffed like a bird. Its still original. Norman stuffing his own mother is horrible by any standard of time u know. It will be horrible again 1000 years from now also. I know. Was referring to those saying it was weak to have one 🤔. We needed an explanation for why Norman was so so crazy! I watched it again last night with my sis & she thought it was okay but not great. She mostly liked the phone call rantings by the killer when he kept switching up his voice & stuff. I liked those parts too. We also did notice that the scene with the boyfriend in the basement at the end made no sense! I can't figure how he knew the girl ran down there? Seems kinda forced u know. Yea okay but he knew the house number so he used to live there. Nobody here seems to understand that! I agree too that Tommy plays his parts really really well. Not every tough guy has to be Vin Diesel u know so stop it & leave him alone! Yea the dad had every right to get pissed at a bowl full of carrots. That's why he made that funny face at her. Yea I remember Glen said something in the beginning about a Freddy nightmare. I think Rod said something too about him having bad dreams too so yea. I saw this at a theater & there was lots & lots of screaming from teen girls & jumping a lot from any sound around. Yea it was intense. Yup yup. I remember this movie. It started ok then got weak & silly after a while. I hated the ending too btw. I think the actor was good enough for the part. We gonna get distracted by famous faces so no need u know.