MovieChat Forums > Mxxxx > Replies

Mxxxx's Replies

“Personally, I think they're doing the U.S. a favor.“ 🤣🤣🤣. You think she’ll know the laws in Russia since she’s been competing in the Russian league several W.N.B.A. off-seasons. 1000% smash she can 💩 on my face if she wants to. She'll have to pay $15 million in damages. He lost a lot more money from movie franchise he lost out of because of her. What confuses me the most her name is America and she dresses like USA flag. Find it hard to believe He defeated Mordo that his magic while handcuffed. Some loki looked the same some looked different. He hesitated answering the question when the other doctor asking if that. Was the only choice that could’ve been made. I can say that about black people the media is trying to breed out pure blooded blacks Black Noooooooo!!!! Seriously that was my favorite show ever. Now I’m going to put a bullet throw my skull. I can’t live any longer without that show. 🤣🤣🤣 She’s responsible for all the death cause by the dinosaurs. They could’ve killed them all. Tyrese Gibson thought it was real and posted what Martin Scorsese. They should’ve recasted him like 5 years ago. Not too long ago he choked out a woman. WB didn’t bat a eye. He’ll continue making more movies Without spoiling anything. Is the post credit true? This kind of movie would be better if it was worse. It's just bad enough to bore you without being interestingly bad, which makes it worse Asian protagonist, uses kung fu, multiple versions of themselves. Same plot They didn’t have mark hamil do the voice of Luke in the book of fett or mandolarion. They used a highly advanced voice synthesizer Kinda hope not. He's quite old and doesn't sound the same anymore (hardly surprising) so it's better to recast. Or stop having Vader show up in stuff. That would work, too.