Steven is a bit selfish

I believe when Steven was talking to the other Dr. At the wedding about the choice he made to save the universe against thanos. The way he said “it was the only way”, seemed like he probably saw other options that he was the one that died, but saved the universe. When he saw the option of iron man dying. He picked that one.


First of all, that is not selfish, that is just human nature. You would do the same in an "of course" manner.

Secondly, he never really liked iron man, which is understandable. Iron man is a bit of an ass most of the time. When he poked hulk on the flying carrier in the avenger movie, that showed clearly what kind of person he was, the other people did not beat him up I think was because they had character and restraints, and of course also because he owned a large defense corporation and kind of untouchable in a military environment.


In Infinity War and Endgame, he made it clear there was only one chance of winning that scenario.


That depends on whether he exhausted all the possibilities, which I doubt is possible. Or he found one that was acceptable and stopped, which is a lot more likely.


He outright said he saw millions of possibilities with only one outcome where they won. He likely stopped after seeing the one but we know he looked for other options pretty extensively.


There is no guarantee he did not find other scenarios where Thanos was also defeated, but the consequences of those outcomes were not acceptable to him, the consequence could be as big as for example the earth was destroyed, or as small as maybe just him or his past girlfriend or Wong did not make it in the end.

One thing was clear though, the death of iron man was acceptable to him as the price of defeating Thanos, I don't think anyone would disagree with that.


"There is no guarantee he did not find other scenarios where Thanos was also defeated"

Unless you think he and the filmmakers were lying, there is.


What gave you the idea these superheroes were all saints, and incapable of lying?


Never said they didn’t. I’m just pointing out a scene from a movie that you obviously weren’t paying attention to.


I think that is more of different perception, thinking of other possibilities. I am just not arrogant enough to think my view was the only right one.

Much like Steven.

To think of it I think arrogance was the reason the ancient one was unwilling to teach him in the beginning. Also the sin of a lot of doctors (The only difference between doctors and God is that God does not think he is a doctor, that joke was popular for a reason).

Steven is a lot more powerful than when he was a doctor, but I don't think he fundamentally changed as a person.


He said he saw 14 million six hundred and five scenarios and was asked by Iron Man "In how many do we win?" Strange said 1.

"Winning" is Thanos being defeated so a version where Thanos is defeated but Strange's ex dies is still considered a win.

I doubt he found one and stopped looking, he is not that dumb.

One thing was clear though, the death of iron man was acceptable to him as the price of defeating Thanos, I don't think anyone would disagree with that.

No, not even Iron Man. He also apparently never cared that Vision died either , luckily that will never come back to haunt him.


I think it was all about the language and how to ask a question.

If they have asked:"In how many Thanos was defeated?", the answer might not have been one, assuming Steven was being honest.

What is acceptable to Steven as a "win"?

Steven was a doctor, dealing with death was nothing to him, especially the people he did not care that much.


You are reading A LOT into that. At that point I do not think Strange decided to play around with word meanings.


For someone that smart, and arrogant, facing a bunch of simpletons, there will be "I don't need to explain this to them" moments.

I bet there were a lot of these moments when he dealt with his peers.

But yes, we are just talking about possibilities, and I like interpreting things differently and consider all the possibilities.

I don't like people's attitudes are just "He is a hero, so he must be a saint, whatever he does must be absolutely right".

Unlike Steven, I like explaining things to simpletons :)


No one has the attitude that he’s a saint or never lies. JFC, dude. It’s explained in the movie. Anything else is just fan fic.


He hesitated answering the question when the other doctor asking if that. Was the only choice that could’ve been made.


Honestly, nobody really has the right to question his decision making in that scenario. He was basically the only one capable of using to Time Stone in a way that allowed them to find a path to victory. Remove his actions and the universe probably stayed fucked.

If he didn't like the outcome, guess he should have put on a suit and joined the fight on Titan.


No reason to think this.

His tone when saying "it was the only way" could be easily just his way of trying to affirm for himself that he truly made the correct decision for himself and the erst of the universe.

His need to affirm for himself could easily be explained by the fact that he searched 14,000,605 possibilities, and maybe he evaluated wrong. Or maybe he should have looked through 14 million more.

Steven is selfish. His decision with the time stone was not an example of this.
