MovieChat Forums > SandyR > Replies

SandyR's Replies

Maybe she decided not to be a prude? No. Puritans have taken over. Again. 1. TZ 2. AH 3. OL 4. Thriller His ghost whispered into someone's ear. That scene is in the vaults, by the way. Very sad. Caddyshack. Stripes turns into a Schwarzenegger movie in the last act. John Waters He's hilarious! Great observation. Gross. Interesting. It's like the movie was lensed by Lemi Riefenstal (sp?) Bad Teacher Yeah, just a bunch of hot air...that should have been in the football! Hahaha! One of the best of the last ten years, for sure. It's a good one. Maybe My Bloody Valentine (81) and X-Ray (82?) No it's not. If I find someone pathetic, I ignore them.