MovieChat Forums > SandyR > Replies

SandyR's Replies

What does population replacement have to do with the occult? How is switching out White people with "people of color" going to somehow appease whatever demon you think the elites are worshipping? Doesn't that describe every star wars abortion disney has produced? Well, now I have to watch it! Gonna have to find this. Yes. Not only will she not be fired for this Picasso of race-skism, she will probably be put in charge of Disney before too long. That's the new motto in business--"Customers hate this? Let's give them ten times more of it!" If there is any justice in the universe, yes, the movie was always intended to be an inclusive starring vehicle for midgets. Diary of a Flea How dare they want to keep the money they worked to earn. How dare they!!! Well, that's one way for someone starved for attention to get it. Thank you for the recommendation! Nobody hates White people more than suicidal white people. Lucas was kind of hardcore before he made all that Star Wars money. Wow, did you come up with the tern "anti-vaxer" all on your own? You haven't read any recently revised history books, have you? America has always been Swahili lesbian-majority. Stop being a bigot! Nobody from the far left should ever accuse anyone else of crying. That's all you spoiled brats do is cry. Well, that didn't age well! WTFAYTAYSMF? Provide empirical evidence to support all ten of your hasty generalizations. I enjoy "bad" movies. Some movies can't even attain "bad" status. This is one of them. This won't make you laugh or fill you with joy. It's got some softcore porn starts in it and we don't see anything from them. It's a waste of time.