MovieChat Forums > SandyR > Replies

SandyR's Replies

Tired of people making excuses. Do the best you can. That's the only opportunity anyone is promised in life. As if you didn't know! People on X are fucking stupid! "White mediocrity" is a barely-veiled admission of jealousy. Good catch. No. It's fine the way it is. Pretty good list. This movie is slowly gaining a better reputation. Bond movies didn't get boring until Pierce Brosnan took over the role. She's a product of the deranged cult known as Liberal Arts Education. It's possibly true. The rest of the world, it seems, has never had an interest in hearing what the peasants have to say. I see. I watch youtube on my lunch break. Does anybody else remember when free speech wasn't even up for debate? You either respected it, or you were a fascist. I don't care about his personal foibles. I like that he's only interested in making entertaining movies at this point. Being generous, I would say 6/10, but he's a movie star, not necessarily an actor, and so he's never expected to show much range from movie to movie. But not so lame for you to not take time from your life to respond! I've always suspected that. Ah, "elevated horror," a term for people so uptight they don't want to admit they like horror movies. It wasn't until you said that. Grindhouse Joe is kind of entertaining, tbh. True. The black guy in Night of the Living Dead didn't die first.