
Didn't see much in this movie.


Go back in time to 1976 and start a protest!

Anyhow, for what it's worth, Box the Robot was voiced by a respected black actor, Roscoe Lee Brown, and I am sure a few of Ustinov's pet cats were black.


I have been corrected.


In 1976 America was 90% white. There was no need to pander to the diversity crowd.


You haven't read any recently revised history books, have you? America has always been Swahili lesbian-majority. Stop being a bigot!


hahahahaha this made me smile. thanks!! hhahahahaha


My sincerer apologies to the (then) anonymous Swahili lesbian-majority.


Perhaps the races lived in separate domed cities or the war that ended the earlier civilization was a race war won by the whites or the computer(s) that managed society eventually became genocidal. The computers killed people once they turned thirty to manage the population, maybe their programming led to other perverse outcomes like only raising babies with certain characteristics.

The real explanation likely is that the crowd shots in the movie were apparently filmed in Dallas which had a population that appears to have been between 75-80% white in the 1970s.


For racism style future fun, check out THX-1138 where the whites are all slaves, and the blacks are only "entertainment" channels.

I'm sure today everyone reads all kinds of bad into that but I thought it was kind of clever, if you think about who is talented.



Lucas was kind of hardcore before he made all that Star Wars money.
