BooBooCat's Replies

Oh god....🙄 <b> the fact that the entire ending is impossible </b> Hmmm... this basically applies to every Indy movies. Temple is D and Skull is C+? Seriously? 👍👌☝️ <b> Flaws are part of films; you can talk about them even in films that you love and it can be fun. </b> Amen! This seems like a legit way to put it. HOLY SHIT! For once you post an actually interesting link! <b> BTW, the hippie Jesus is a left-wing/liberal/progressive thing. A knowledgable person can start with the "Nazarene" vs. "Nazarite" problem and just go on all day about what's wrong with that take </b> And here we go again... 🙄 Thank you. Maybe you should put your priorities elsewhere. And again someone who decides what to bring politics even though it is totally uncalled for..🙄 Humour is really personal. I personally rarely laughed so much at a movie. This and My Cousin Vinny are the funniest comedies I've ever seen. Did this guy ever make a positive post in which he doesn't shit on something? Dude... it is actually one of those movies in which the cussing is actually appropriate (in this amount). It is part of the characters, it builds them, give them depth and is a point in the narrative. If you are attentive, you'll notice how some characters swear while other don't. There's even the Sam Elliot's character who asks to The Dude if "all the cussing is necessary", only to get the answer "I don't get it, what the fuck are you talking about?" This shows two things: first, The Dude or Walter for instance don't even seem to realize how offensive their way of talking can be for other; and second, it shows how they are from a different background and how their lifestyle fits with this way of speaking. But the way I see it, is that more importantly, without the cussing it wouldn't be so obvious that they are outcasts of the society, that they don't really fit in their time and place. Walter is a war veteran who clearly went through some trauma and is frustrated against society. The Dude is what we can call a "loser", a guy who clearly doesn't take any responsibility and simply wants everything to come easily to him. They cuss a lot because they don't care about the norms, and society gave up on them a long time ago. I too tend to find the movies that overuse profanities unnecessarily annoying. It often just sounds like the writers and/or actors simply wanted to be edgy. But there are instances when it works, and The Big Lebowski is one of these cases. Oh wow... you again. <b> The problem with Kubrick and Tarantino (as mentioned in OP) is that most people dislike the film the first time they see it. Why? It's because their films are carefully composed and intriguing. You won't find meaning the first time.. it may seem long and "boring". </b> I really don't mean to argue with you here, since everything you said it's really on point. I would just nuance one little detail: this applies to pretty much every Kubrick's movies, but in Tarantino's case, in my opinion, it's case by case. I mean, for me at least, this was totally the case for Pulp Fiction, Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood! or The Hateful Eight, for instance. I really needed a second viewing with these before I was REALLY able to appreciate them and to "get" them. However, with Django Unchained or Inglorious Basterds, for examples, I was able to really appreciate them from the first viewing. Of course I understood them better on consecutive views, but they were still really "reachable" from the first go. I guess this is also personal. Exactly. One example of something that REALLY annoys me with Kubrick's haters: it is a FACT that his movies have deeper meaning which require from viewer to think about them after they have seen it in order to understand everything better. It's not just some "Kubrick's fantardism" as some of them seem to say/think. It is the actual reason why Kubrick barely even talked about his movies, he wanted people to make their own interpretations. Because of this, it is normal that people make theories, no matter how wrong or accurate they might be. So then come the condescending haters who decide to make vile comments about how "dumb", "far fetched" or any other unnecessarily unpleasant terms to shit on people discussing these theories. If you think that you don't need to thin further about his movies, so be it. No one forces you to discuss them. But can you let people enjoy talking and theorizing about whatever they want, please? I find these conversations interesting personally and I even took part in some of them. And like you said, the movies, the actors and the directors who are vastly acclaimed have this reputation for a reason, no matter what you personal opinion is. I don't like Braveheart, Titanic or Forrest Gump, and wasn't so impressed with Citizen Kane (I'm talking strictly about the plot here, since on any other aspects it's a VERY innovative movie). I still don't go and call them "garbage" or say that they "suck" because it's not the case. It simply a matter of personal taste. Nice! When we'll study your work in pretty much every courses about filmmaking and movies as a whole, get back to me. Seriously though, I have no problem with the fact that people have different opinions, but hating on directors like Kubrick or Tarantino seems to be like a trend to look special and have a different opinion than most people rather than a legit criticism. I mean... I don't say that everyone must like Kubrick or Tarantino. But, I think people should still show some respect and consideration. Insulting revered filmmakers instead of respectfully giving your opinion simply look like an attempt to piss people off. It doesn't bring any civilized or constructive discussion. I will take me for instance: I don't like Tim Burton. I enjoyed Beetlejuice and Ed Wood, but most of his movies just don't speak to me and it's simply not my style/cup of tea. However, I don't go on Internet to call him a "hack" or "awful director" because I know that he's objectively not a bad director. If so many people love his movies, there's obviously a good reason for it. So... why can't Kubrick's haters do the same? It wasn't mean to be taken seriously, it's simply that I always found fanboys delusional. And unfortunately, Nolan's fanboys tend to be intense, delusional and totally annoying. I would say that Kristen Stewart's fanboys are REALLY tiresome as well. Honestly... what is it the big deal that people have with wearing masks? Yes, it is a bit uncomfortable, but it's for the public safety. Seriously just wear it and stfu.. 🙄