cbsteven's Replies

You could say that nothing is said about any back story in GB1. They could all have kids. Maybe Egon wasn't on good terms, and not talking to any of the family? You could also say that GB2 had nothing to do with the Gozer/Shandor arc, so didn't need to be referenced. But the number from the original advert got through to Ray's Occult. It was always there, but only alluded to for the most part. So then it would catch us by surprise later on. And not knowing how many seasons they would get. A few shots of her paying for the drinks and getting change too, so maybe another financial thing? But we didn't need to know. Think Cam still went on the road trip, or did they get straight into it? Watched it again this week, and remembered a scene where she was discovered listening into meetings, or some kind of suspicious recording. Must've only imagined it though. But yes, we see it a bunch of times in the Rover scenes. If they were pan-and-scan, the only losses would be the sides. There would be nothing new to see. Wasn't there a lot of dope smoking going on? Well, how much work would it need to get them up to releasable quality, and what would the market be? And would Disney want us to go off-canon? We'd seen enough of the others to know what would happen here. This was just the film within the film. Experimental, yes. Slow, but glad I saw it. Some big ideas going on. Perhaps it was all about reading the note in the wall. Time and fate gave him the chance to do that. Right. Early in the film she says she always does that when moving house. Interesting that the pioneer girl does the same thing with the note under the rock. ....and I see I'm not the only one who thought of Lost In Translation. Giger's mind. He had a lot of weird ideas. Then a good modelling team. It was planned as nude sleep, but ended up clothed. It feels out of place, considering everything else in the film. I wonder how much choice Sigourney about her wardrobe options. Gib looked like he wanted to calm down a bit, and Alison could handle her beer. But how much did they really have in common? What would they end up doing after college? It's all fruit juice or water. You're right about a lot being consumed though, if we pretend it's real. A lot of US beer wasn't strong though, compared to what we have in the UK, so Gib could've managed a lot. And even if you're old enough to drink, would you always want to? I think we can trust Gib enough here, and the idea of an extended TST scene would take away the surprise of Gib's writing afterwards. There's an announcement at the bus station, with all the stops en-route to LA. Pittsburgh and St Louis get mentioned, I think. Guess they must've been somewhere still northeast, only early on the second day. He's 'outside the loop' of the goings on between the two families, either at school or Libbets' place. You said it yourself - boredom in the suburbs. People who know that feeling can relate to the film. No enlightenment - but just the way that boredom can bring people down.