cbsteven's Replies

Another poster asked a similar question before. Maybe manslaughter, but it could all be considered self-defence too. Kathy was just a passenger. He was happy being by the sea and had feelings for Simone. That all had an effect on him. But he knew the game was up. Depends how the gun would be looked at. They could all do a few years for handling the thing. And George getting back into vice as soon as he was out of prison. The credits scene seemed a bit too happy an ending. Was the third guy Perry Fenwick, who knew Simone was back after seeing her in the Jag at Kings Cross? I think people are getting carried away with the suicide idea. The bus restarting gives Enid the inspiration to leave town. But if she'll be any happier, who knows? Regardless of future genres, how often does a film have that many actors who go on to greater fame? Everyone in this is always popping up in things. I read that some of Adele's scenes were filmed out of character, when she was eating or hanging around the set. Almost a documentary style. That was why some of the scenes might seem... is 'unprofessional' the right word? Also why the character was given her real name, so Adele could literally be herself. Have we just agreed that the whole film is nonsense?