Sidha108's Replies

Stalker Wow! His character on Modern Family actually died earlier this year; wonder if he knew it was his time to go. Shark Boy and Lava Girl is a hilarious review. The 2016 Commercials special might be the best of the bunch. Maybe it could be advertised as a biopic like Rocketman and Bohemian Rhapsody but it actually is a sequel to Head and the series. Totally agree! Every time I listen to it feels like I’m off on a psychedelic trip. I also like Micky Dolenz’ solo version of the song on his album Micky Dolenz Puts You to Sleep; it has a storybook fairytale feel. I feel the same way about WWII movies, especially those dealing with Nazis and the Holocaust. Maybe they don’t make them brothers so there would be less of an obvious comparison between Hades/Hercules and Scar/Lion King since they are both evil uncles of the prince protagonist. Haha. Maybe there will be a rule that the original actor gets killed after setting up the new younger protagonist (i.e. Han Solo in Force Awakens). What do you think the goauld do to her reproductive system in order that she may conceive and birth larva? Yes, maybe the goauld chose the red-haired white woman as host since she was seen as more sexual than the women of ancient Egypt and be a better host for reproductive purposes. Haha. Who wouldn’t be? Part of it is too that there is a similar character to Poison Ivy in the TV show Stargate SG-1. In that show, the character Hathor (who like Ivy has red hair and breathes pheromone dust) has sex in order to conceive and give birth to “children” in order to take over the world as these scenes highlight: This is the scene: True, she wears a belt with the green latex suit, but the moment I’m referring to is when she is at the Turkish Bath with Bane while she is still wearing the green leafy leotard outfit. I would like to know too Interesting! I just always assumed Ivy was the biological mother of the plants since the seeds she uses to grow her garden lair do not appear until she squats down and places her hand near her crotch. It seems like she may have given birth to them at that moment. How do you think Ivy impregnates herself to create the seeds to which she gives birth and grow into her “babies?” Does she inject her womb with pollen or possibly have sex with her plants (i.e. vines going into her “v”)? Exactly! Plus, as Pamela Isley, she would have proof (global freezing) for why everyone should be on with her plan to “save the planet” and let her plant “children” take over the world. She probably had plans to betray Freeze. She strongly implies she wants to have sex with Mr. Freeze. My guess it could have been to satisfy her ego; if she can seduce the most cold-hearted man in the world, then she could seduce anyone and thus conquer the world. Ivy only cares about her plants and it could be surmised she actually has sex with her plants. She already played Poison Ivy in another DC movie (Batman & Robin). Halle Berry does remind me of Uma Thurman in this movie though. I would like to see the two in a movie together though. Didn’t Mulder try to take a photo of the Lizard Man in Season 10 with his phone but it came out blurry?