MovieChat Forums > The X Files (1993) Discussion > Why didn't agents photo evidence with ph...

Why didn't agents photo evidence with phones?

Some shows they were in a room full of evidence and had literally minutes to get out of somewhere before it blew up or they were captured, etc.

So, as they had mobile phones, why not at least shoot a load of digital pics, instead of fumbling wildly and running off with nothing?


Unless you mean the recent return series, this was twenty, twenty-five years ago... Phone cameras were crap, if you had one at all. And I only believe they might have had a camera on theirs because I assume they had the best phones available in any given year.


Yeah, I guess. But at least, as feds in an extraordinary unit, always carry even a compact camera, given the sensitive nature of the evidence?


Well, I guess it was a bit odd that Mulder didn't always carry the best, most fool-proof camera he could manage... I mean unless he was concerned that it would look bad with his suit.


I think this wasn't that common an event. Like the other guy said phone cameras didn't happen until the early 2000s and they sucked. Also, in situations like this, usually they were caught and had the evidence taken from them if they were in places they weren't supposed to be.


I agree with this statement.


X-Files ran from 93 to 02. Digital cameras were pretty good by the end of series.
The first digital consumer camera came out in 1994. 0.3MP, same as VGA in 1984.
1MP cost thousands of $. They were the size of automatic 35mm cameras.



Former career CIA officer Kevin Shipp stated recently that the CIA (and thus most likely the FBI, NSA and DOJ etc who have their equipment made for them by contractors) said that much of the CIA's technology is ''at least fifty years ahead'' of the commercial market


Mulder´s office was in the basement of the FBI. Do you really think they were giving him state of the art CIA equipment? Also, do you really believe the CIA camera technology from 50 years ago is better than the camera technology we use today? That is a completely laughable exaggeration.


TV isn't real, now is it? The CIA quote is in this video- around 33.30 mark.

Not everything or for commercial use- SOME technology that they reputedly use as developed by any one of the contractors (link below), according to a former CIA officer of 20yrs. Spying tech is all going nano.

The same people that developed Google Earth, selfie technology, etc before available for public use.


You are the one that brought up real life in the context of the X-files is to support the idea that they the agents should have had access to better technology. I am not interested in what some purported CIA agent said. 50 years ahead of the commercial market is an exaggeration. And we are not talking about spying equipment/ James bond type gadgetry since Mulder and Scully weren´t spies.


They did a "Cops" style episode where the investigation was filmed. I don't remember how that one turned out. Might re-watch it if I can remember the season and episode number.


Season 7 called X-cops. I hated that episode.


Didn’t Mulder try to take a photo of the Lizard Man in Season 10 with his phone but it came out blurry?


I think they are talking about the original run episodes from 93-02.


This was the cell phone I had in 1999.

It was a typical cell phone at the time. 1999 was the seventh season of the show. Note the lack of even a primitive camera.


I swear everyone had this phone at one point or another and the Nokia 3310. I remember having this as a "hand me down" in 2001. lol
