Sidha108's Replies

It has several layers of interpretation: - If Luke tries to kill Darth Vader, he will only kill himself - Luke seeing his face behind the mask foreshadows the reveal of Vader being his father - Luke giving in to fear and anger will turn him into Darth Vader There should be a Birds of Prey sequel in which Harley Quinn breaks Uma Thurman’s Ivy out of prison and the two have a lesbian relationship. I have seen a photo of Bruce looking like he is about to kiss Pamela’s hand, but that is all I have seen from that scene. Maybe Ivy could have made Bruce hallucinate her so much that he can’t tell the difference between her and Julie. I recently rewatched the trilogy and it does seem weird how George essentially is a background character in Parts II & III. One of the major plot points of Part II is preventing George’s murder but we hardly ever see him. At the end of Part III, there isn’t even a scene of Marty hugging George saying, “Dad, I’m so glad you are alive!” Does this footage exist anywhere? Maybe Ivy would keep them in a greenhouse until the ice melts after everyone else is killed and then release the plants to repopulate the planet. I think that's true for most heterosexual millennial men. Maybe Pamela could have used her pheromone dust and charms on Bruce and invite him on date to discuss the proposition and she could mind control him. Seducing Bruce, would allow her all the money she would ever need. I was born in the early 1990s, but the late 1960s through early 1980s (roughly 1966-1982) seem to be the best era for movies and music. I would say a snowy day in January or February. I would cast someone of a different race and have everyone act like there was no change at all to show “race doesn’t matter.” I like Toy Story 4. It’s not as good as the first 3 but in some ways it makes the series feel more complete/full circle. Part III is weak because there is no real “B-story” for Marty’s character that goes beyond him trying to get back to the 1980s. In the first one, he had to get his parents to fall in love. In the second one, there is his stuff with Jennifer and trying to destroy the book to stop his dad’s murder and the alternate 1985. He has nothing really to do that doesn’t involve time travel except be a sidekick to Doc. I guess it would be whoever made a film in a franchise that made the audience no longer care about the franchise or severely decreased their desire to see future entries in the series. Zach Snyder for Superman and Batman. Both franchises are going to have to go through another set of reboots because Man of Steel, Batman V Superman, and Justice League were bad and made audiences not really care about either live-action superhero. The filmmakers behind the Fantastic Beasts movies. The first one was an okay prequel to the Harry Potter franchise but the second one is fairly weak that now it seems like no one really cares what is going to happen next in the series. Gavin Hood for X-Men Origins: Wolverine. The film resulted in the then-in-development spin-offs to be canceled and the series to have a soft reboot with First Class, and the movie Days of Future Past and the Deadpool films exist to erase the film from franchise continuity. Yeah, I actually would like to have seen her in more big female action roles, something along the lines of Ghost in Shell or Aeon Flux. I always took the line “No. There is another” to foreshadow Darth Vader’s reveal as Anakin Skywalker and the possibility that he could be turned back to the light side of the Force. I would at least have a cop standing outside Laurie's door to make sure she is safe and let her parents know what happened when they arrive to the hospital. Have Tom Cruise and Robert De Niro ever made a movie together? I think Green gets downplayed in recent years since the color became too prevalent in the 1990s/early 2000s that its prominence in film became a distraction. Some “green”-heavy films that come to mind: - Batman Forever - Batman & Robin - The Matrix - Bugs Life - Alien Resurrection - Star Trek Nemesis - Gattaca