FeeCJ's Posts

Just a moment looking back as we end the Bosch series run....was not the Korea Town Killer... Okay, here it comes, drum roll.....Season 7 on the horizon What did Michael's dad whisper in his ear near the end when Dad was lying on the bed in the lounge? It seems like a good time for a follow-up series.... on the 30th anniversary of the show? Thought "Rush" with Rodger Corser and Co. was much better than this.... Okay, I'll go first...am just 17 years late but....but just found this great fire fighter series from 2004 Cannot Believe It Has Been 10 Years Since Pan Am Debuted Finally found this online after looking for a long time Not directly Bosch, but Micky Haller who is in the Bosch world sphere Pringle! SPOILERS