
FeeCJ (123)


So what caused the...(Spoiler) Anybody else watching the tv series "Wartime Girls" (Wojenne Dziewczyny) on ChaiFlicks or wherever else it airs? The Series Ending...SPOILER! Question - scene at the stock yard - SPOILER So it has been renewed for Season 2, coming in 2023 Maddie. Help. Wow! Has anybody else seen this on BritBox's A Play For Today shows? View all posts >


Interesting question. Depends on what happened to Paige. Did she get in trouble? If so, was she ever allowed a passport due to her background? Henry was an innocent. But he also might have had problems getting a passport. But maybe they could emigrate and be allowed to do that. So it's an interesting question! Agree absolutely. That look on Renee's face was not "our Renee." She watched with narrowed eyes, intent assessment, an un-recognizable expression and face, completely different from the always jovial Renee that was her cover. You could see the wheels turning. My guess was that she may not have been taking the baton. She had to know with the Jennings' clearly gone, something went down. And that Stan would be in the Feeb cross hairs as would she. After lingering in the driveway to assess what was happening, it looks like she had decided something. She walked back into the house, and likely was going to emerge in a few minutes, her purse in hand like she was going on an errand, to go instead to wherever her safe house was, get her bug-out bag and head for the train to Canada, too. Stan burned? Jennings and being found out. She has to get out of there immediately, if she's one of them. I was leaving conclusions open about Renee all the way along, until the final scene. That tied it up for me. She was a foreign agent. OR undercover Feeb or US Marshall because Stan had come under suspicion at some point, and someone wanted to do a deep surveillance all around. But foreign agent is more likely, due to the marriage happening. But one way or another, the camera lingering on Rene''s face at the end, close-up, watching her intently watch the Feebs crawling all over the Jennings' house. It told the tale. Oh happy clappy smiley Renee. Always energetic, up for a good time. Hm. None of that was present in the driveway. Her face had dropped every hint of every expression we've ever seen from her--it was cold, calculating, her eyes narrowed and watching the activity across the street with a very piercing professional air to it. Finally. She turned and walked back inside. IMO, they showed us what she was right there--the actress played it perfectly. Not little softy Renee. That "Renee" was someone else, someone who had dropped her act when alone in the driveway. You could see the wheels turning. Somebody else she was, for sure. Who though? That we don't know. What do we want to bet she went back into the house, got her purse, got in the car to "go shopping," went to a place where her bug-out bag was and was on the next train to Canada? That's my vote. The Jennings are gone. Stan's finished with the FBI. Toast. She ain't gonna stay around until the the Stan thing disintegrates and she's brought in for questioning? Hello Canada. Yes! I remember watching it the night it premiered on tv. It was an amazing opening to a series for sure! Don't remember anything like it before that. Always was. And if they'd stuck to the every day stuff and not succumbed to having them constantly killing people, the show might not have lasted more than one season on its merits as a deep character study in a very weird world! Ha. This. The plot was to have the run to the Canadian border be successful so that they could later be seen at home in Russia. If authorities were on the platform, and caught Paige, they'd have caught Philip and Elizabeth, too. Abandoning a finale to a cheap arrest chase would not have worked with the show's whole theme. The power of Paige's end was in having Paige "escape" from the safety of her parents' well-planned bug-out plan, as a result of Paige's per usual over-confidence in her own righteousness, to return to Granny's flat where she was just being groomed as the next generation and never knew that's all it was. Paige finally did herself in. Well done. She's alone. No place to go but the streets to try to live anonymously? I suspect Paige was knocking on Stan Beeman's door in a day or two. Come what may, though good luck to Stan. Best friends with a sleeper family for years. Oh dear oh dear. Bye bye pension. It has been awhile since seeing it, but glad to see there is an active board. As for Paige, if memory serves, she was very open to being the next generation sleeper. I think she bought Granny's act, hook line and sinker, really--which was only grooming of course. Paige decided no RU for her, she was feeling estranged from her parents so thought no, I'm not going to RU with them. Why not just stay and serve? So, she went directly to Granny, which was logical, because that was of course a safe place and she likely thought Granny would be there for her and bring her in as a operative in some way. IMO, that is why that scene is so poignant. She must have realized then that her parents were trying to protect her by getting her to safety with them. Because now she's sitting in the vacated apartment, not knowing what to do next. There's no real Granny. No real apartment. No real anything. Her parents' op has been rolled up. She's been had. In 2024 they would be crying and telling reporters that the coach was making threatening micro-expressions. Good point! View all replies >