johnnybear's Replies

Kasorla surely? I always imagined Don committing suicide by throwing himself out of the window of the building like in the credits! Weird that he didn't and he never did find Diane Bauer either... I wished Don would have hammered Lou Avery when he was told he was under Lou's control and yet Don was a partner??? Agreed, I detest Moffhack! Maybe not back then but in the eighties he sure did! JB Although I haven't got or seen the UK discs I know they're in the production order of the series, so not really wrong, only different! JB So true! The First parts 1 and 2 were the final episodes to be shot production wise so I guess that part of it is true! ;) It's crap and I don't watch it anymore! Moffhack and Chinballs be damned! Very out of order you could say! She was a very sexy lady but sadly I've never seen her face!!!! It was shown originally on Friday nights in 1977 on BBC1! The series was finally released on DVD back in June of this year from Australia Mad Man! Available now on R2! Lee Ving's club the Zanzibar was awesome though... JB My son who is nine picked up on that line straight away and asked me if richie was going to be immortal as well!!! I've read they were going to have him return in the final episode of the first season (Fitzcairn's role perhaps?) but Lambert refused outright to come back! Wasn't Phil his brother in law as well? And Vito's homosexuality reflected bad upon him so that's why he killed him! I wonder what kind of world Progron became after Balor was exiled? Shut the door, Mary... Just to be different I guess! Invaders is the only show i know of that doesn't differentiate between production and transmission!