johnnybear's Replies

The High Chaparral is the best of the old westerns! JB I always thought it was because he had blue eyes? JB Available on DVD after all those years of waiting too! JB It's out now from Australia! JB Actually the pilot was shown on a Saturday evening and the series began the following Friday for the next eight weeks! The BBC omitted Funhouse for some or other reason! JB The episode was one of the best and does have similarities with the Moore film of 1970, yes! JB True! But once born as either sex they stayed that way until death! JB I remember reading about the story that fell through and that it being called The Killer Cats of Ginseng! Set on Gallifrey it was about a race of Cat people who also live on Gallifrey or the like... JB The Nation estate not getting their ready supply of intravenous cash perhaps? JB Alan Davies would have been an excellent choice either before or after Capaldi but it's too late now! JB But Doctor Who died! :( JB She is definitely from Gallifrey because she recognizes the Dark Tower in The Five Doctors! but I think she is a Time Lady due to her relationship with the Doctor! JB Time Lords were male and time Ladies were female but that was before Horrible Moffhack got his shitty fingers into the show!!! JB The Daleks in the Classic Series were always good! Those in the new were great up until the Dapoleks were introduced by Moffhack in 2010! JB I count everything up to Matt Smith's last story! After that it was absolute rubbish. And it wasn't that good during Smith's time either, but his fell into the anniversary year so I felt compelled to collect it but not Capaldi's time and certainly not her traversty!!! JB Yeah, at the Bedford Who event last May the guys behind this turned up and gave us a quick look and discussion... JB Which if watched would totally ruin the Baltar as a convict on the prison barge theme of the later episodes! JB I remember her bending over scene being used in the titles of Barry Norman's Film interview series on the BBC for a while! worth it for that alone! JB The fugitive may be one of a few shows to actually have an ending but lets face it, it never really had a first episode either... JB Can't be coincidence then that the one armed man seen in Twin Peaks was named Philip Gerard as well? JB