hans's Posts

The physical abuse was too much, Fletcher was too smart for that Criminals could just resort to kidnapping and severely injuring to avoid pre-crime Terrible guest stars, decisions, and overly scripted horribly Why did Governor Swan want to shoot Jack before he knew he was a pirate? Would it actually be worth it to work for Miranda? Anyone else surprised Boyd and Winona never any interactions at all In a way, Sherry's death made most of the events in the later days possible Why couldn't they just grab Le Chriffe before the poker game? Bruce Willis' character Paul: Massive hypocrite? If the boy wouldn't have been sent to death row, would they have been more inclined to vote guilty? Linda and Walt really weren't that bad Frank forcing Walker out was dumb Christopher Meloni to return as Stabler in new spin off Why didn't Ransom just kill Fran and stay on Marta's side? The fairies continuously made everything worse How much older than Christopher was Tony? Remember when Elias murdered an ex cop, kidnapped a teenager, and threatened a baby? Did they want us to feel bad for Sweat? What was the point of an audience for the 2nd and 3rd tasks? Why does anyone even really care about winning the house cup?