MovieChat Forums > Druff > Replies

Druff's Replies

Acceptance by society as a whole. 2A/NRA zombies: "WE NEED MUH 2A SO WE CAN OVERTHROW MUH TYRANNIKAL GUMMINT!" Biden and anyone else with a brain: "It's 2024, not 1824. If you were going to even try to thwart your government, you'd need things like fighter jets and nukes." you: "HOW DARE YOU THREATENIN ME YOU LIBTARD =(" To future generations: I get a number of google hits for 'misandrony' but most if not all seem to be written by individuals as part of whatever statement they're making. As far as actual dictionary hits, they all come up as 'misandry.' Then there's these: "misandrony Not English Misandrony has no English definition. It may be misspelled." "Misandrony is often a misspelling of misandry. Misandrony has no English definition." After a moment of thought... I think it's just that I don't care much for Mary Stuart Masterson or Mary-Louise Parker. In general, as actors. I love Kathy Bates though, I wish she was in it more. Obviously it's almost entirely focused on "women's themes" so the question seems silly. Of course it's a chick flick. Then again, I've seen a few bona fide chick flicks in my day, and honestly most of them were pretty enjoyable to watch. I was expecting this one to be enjoyable too, but it was kind of a chore to get through somehow. Not sure why, exactly. It certainly had its moments, but all in all I was just wishing it would hurry up and be over. Dec 27 1991, according to google. Cry more. As Pilar's key line of dialogue alluded to, the reason incest is illegal is because inbreeding has such a high rate of birth defects. The idea of mating with your own sibling is abhorrent to most people on a sort of instinctive level. No matter how objectively "hot" your sister/brother is, a 'normal' mentally healthy person won't be able to feel any attraction toward them. It's probably tied to evolution. Over millions of years, people who mated with unrelated strangers have had much better odds at producing healthy hearty offspring and thus promoted their own bloodlines... as opposed to inbreeders who too often produced severely effed up ree-rees who never procreated. But one way or another you have to be aware that you're related. If two half-siblings aren't aware they're such, and there's no obvious physical resemblance staring them in the face, and so as far as they know they're unrelated, well, what's stopping them from being attracted to each other? And if they've been in love with each other for over 20 years, suddenly finding out after that long might not be enough to change their feelings. I will give you $1000 cash for every current KKK member you can provide who is NOT also a hardcore card carrying Republican/member of the GOP. A getaway driver who drops his clients off in a situation where their only hope to avoid getting caught is by being the slickest, smoothest criminals in history is not going to get a lot of jobs. The story other criminals are going to hear is that he sucks as a getaway driver because the only way to escape using his services is to keep up with his supernaturally extreme skill level. EDIT: Not using this in our argument, but it's interesting- I just checked the screenplay, easily found via google. It's different than what was shot and edited in the film. * The driver has a season pass keycard with him so he can access the "Season Ticket Holders Only" section which has plenty of available parking spots. * All three exit the Impala at the same time and the driver watches the two thieves calmly disappear into the crowd. * The driver had a second getaway car stashed in the Season Pass section and he drives out of the garage. Still alone, though. The thieves are already gone. Yeah yeah yeah. If it was a documentary shot in the real world, sure, you could call out every possible flaw you could imagine and you'd have a point. But in a fantasy story about the world's greatest getaway driver who gets paid big bucks to pick up criminals at point A and deliver them to point B where they can get away with their crime, nah. If it was a story about a retarded buffoon getaway driver played by Will Farrell, then maybe I could share your overly pessimistic view that for all of his apparent supremely talented badassery, all he really did was essentially just deliver them straight to jail. All you really have in your favor is that the movie shows us absolutely nothing about the fate of the thieves in keeping with the fact that the driver has absolutely zero interest in what happens to them after he's done his job. Still, his job is to get them away clean. And IMO it was clearly meant to be seen as a job well done. But it's unreasonable for a couple of guys to hide inside the chaos of an ocean of people, because they're carrying duffle bags. The amount of explaining and general mental gymnastics you have to do to assume they didn't make it is amusing. Let's see more of that, please... IMO it's a mistake to get lost in the weeds of details and realism in something like this. The movie portrays a character who's like the ultimate getaway driver for hire. They obviously had a plan, the hat proves that. Do you think he didn't tell the two burglars what the plan was? Do you think they were surprised to be dropped off in a crowded arena parking garage just after a game? Watching the movie your way, how do you get past "Wait, how did they know exactly when to start their break-in so they'd end up at the arena right when the game ends, that's impossible!" It's basically a fantasy story. You just have to go with it. re: the guy in the diner, he says the driver did a job for him and his brother driving them back from Palm Springs a year ago, but then they did their next job ~with a different driver~ which led to he himself doing six months and his brother getting killed. Only other time I ever heard the name Standard was in Dan O'Bannon's original Alien script. All of the character names got changed during script re-writes. But after googling it, turns out Standard is just a typical old English surname like so many others, well over 1000 years old. Rare today, apparently. But not all that weird after all. edit: ...though it's weird it's his first name. The movie makes it a point to not give us any way to know for sure if they got away or not. IMO safe to assume they got away, because it was underlining so hard that the driver knew exactly what he was doing and was a consummate pro that provided AAA expert service to his clients. His job was to give them a clean getaway and it sure seemed like he did. For them to get caught after all that would be like a Family Guy spoof. Re-watching this now, probably been at least 10 years. I'm on an Albert Brooks kick, I just watched Defending Your Life, Lost In America and Modern Romance. I remembered he was in this, went to see if there was a 4K UHD. Good news: there is! Bad news: it only got a eurotrash release. Good news: it's region free! Beautiful... except for the ugly euro rating emblem on the cover. Anyway cheers to everyone who sees Albert Brooks as one of the finer points of this movie. I could have sworn the Lee Grant character said something to the effect that this particular incident was more about Daniel being stupid than fearful. edit: Never mind, this is totally about fear. Investing is all about risk, and that takes balls. Nobody who really wins big at investing knows how it's going to go. They throw their money in and they hope for the best. The big winners are not the ones who play it safe. I'm not saying you close your eyes and throw your money randomly. I'm saying you have to be able to throw your money somewhere where you might win big, knowing full well that you might lose big. Specific to this case and with hindsight being 20/20, Daniel was simply wrong, very wrong. Japan had a rep for producing crummy junk products all the way up to WWII. Then they lost their military, and they basically had no choice but to step up their game and center their economy on manufacturing consumer goods. By the time Daniel was making his investment, Japan had long since proven to the entire world that they were excellent at designing and manufacturing very fine electronics, so it shouldn't have seemed like such an impossibility that they could produce excellent electronic time pieces. The investment was nowhere near as risky as Daniel saw it. His lack of balls essentially cost him tens of millions of dollars. Fuck yeah bro, I also have a thing for mediocre butterfaces! TIME TO FAP A couple days ago I watched Defending Your Life, Albert Brooks' movie from 1991. Rip Torn had a big role in it. He said all of his lines in that same voice we're all used to from Larry Sanders, Men In Black, etc. Everything I've ever seen him in, he has that same voice. I always assumed it was just his normal speaking voice. So I was surprised when I watched his interview on the disc, conducted in '91 shortly after the movie was in theaters, and his normal speaking voice was noticeably less deep and gravelly. It wasn't a shocking night and day difference that made me fall out of my chair, but I thought it made it pretty obvious that his iconic extra deep and gravelly voice was actually an affectation he deliberately committed to when performing. "3. Islam is a religion of hate" You said it, not me. I haven't seen the movie yet, I've been a casual semi fan of Albert Brooks forever, but I only just got around to finally seeing Defending Your Life a couple days ago and now I'm on a bit of a kick, looking up other movies he's directed but I haven't seen. This is on the list, not a high priority. Not even sure I'll ever watch it tbh. But to reiterate: Islam is indeed a religion of hate. I enjoyed it, decent light entertainment on a Friday evening. Don't know or care who the guy playing the "bad guy fighter" is or where he came from. Seems to me you'd have to have a pretty big stick shoved up your ass to get this upset by this movie. I don't remember jack shit about the original and never thought it was anything more than mediocre, maybe that helps?