MovieChat Forums > Druff > Replies

Druff's Replies

It was stupid and it was hilarious and it was awesome and anyone who doesn't like it can go eat walnuts with their ass! If there was ever any person who figured out a 99.9% effective way of getting away with murder, it was Dignam. Dumpster behind a gay bar Holy shit, you're right. I never noticed that before. FUCK THIS MOVIE NEVER WATCHING IT AGAIN SEVEN TIMES WILL HAVBE TO BE ENOUGH It seemed like a very small town, so I agree with Interlepos and IMDBrefugee that the bar was just an obvious place to start looking for local shifty types who might know something. I disagree with the other poster who has their head up their ass. His superiors have their own superiors (e.g. the frigging mayor of SF) who are jumping up their ass for continually allowing one of their inspectors to rack up abnormally high body counts and collateral damage bills. They keep him around because he gets results but they come at a cost they can't just ignore. Not realizing that sort of thing is how we all know you still live in your parents' basement and never touch grass. Over the course of the sequels it becomes cliche and then self-parody, which is meta and cool, or at least was back when the last couple of sequels were new, when almost nobody had done it to their own franchise before. I grew up in a SoCal neighborhood with lots of Mexicans, and they LOOOOVED mayo and ketchup on their hotdogs. I thought it was gross just on principle, my dad brought me up to do mustard, relish, and maybe onions if you're feeling extra fancy. Eventually one of my Mexican friends got me to try one with ketchup and mayo....................... and it wasn't bad. Optical illusion cause by the anamorphic lens flare. In three pages and almost 20 years, nobody mentioned the most obvious thing: Sondra Locke was a MAJOR upgrade from Eastwood's first wife Margaret. Compared to her, Locke might as well have been Raquel Welch in her prime. 1986: "Damn. This movie is retarded." 21st century Idiocracy retards: 'tats wat maeks it so gud lmao' For the record, Blade Runner didn't get in anyone's way at the box office, it was a flop in its day. When this movie came out, I saw the trailer and commercials and I thought, "The guy who gave us Halloween and Escape from NY and The Thing made this piece of crap?!" It just looked like a bad, dumb joke. I didn't go see it. I never heard anyone talk about it. I always figured Spielberg had 1941, Lucas had Howard the Duck, and Carpenter had Big Trouble Little China. It was about 20 years ago the first time I heard someone say it was one of their favorites movies. And then maybe a couple years after that when I first noticed people describing it as a classic. I saw it for the first time 20 years ago, had absolutely no idea what those people were on about. I just re-watched it for the first time over the weekend, thinking maybe I'd 'get it' this time. It's not the worst movie in the world, but I have no idea how anyone could have strong feelings about it one way or the other. It was a mildly amusing/entertaining way to kill a couple of hours chilling on my couch eating ludicrously high priced takeout ('special combination' chow mein and deep fried shrimp.) Maybe in another 20 years I'll watch again to see if I finally get it. Another reason to pity millennials and zoomers, grew up in a world where women have become so stingy with their goodies, and the idea of women being generous with them seems weird and unrealistic to you. I noticed him. Then I woke up in a puddle. In all these years I never had any idea anyone thought Charlie was one of the vigilantes. My take is that leaving a major plot point like that as nothing more than some subtle subtext for the viewer to maybe or maybe not figure out... nah. This just isn't that kind of movie. Not that kind of script. Milius wasn't that kind of writer. If McCoy was one of the vigilantes, the movie would have come right out and just said so. Her face still looks like Michael Pollard. I suppose Michael Pollard with dem tiddies is an improvement. Generally I would say Alexei Sayle sucked, but he had a few great moments. Honestly, I think he had more funny moments than Mike, who was almost 100% useless. I'm pretty sure if anyone on the Simpsons wanted to reference/parody The Young Ones, they would have made it way, WAY more specific and obvious. There would have been a punk, a hippy, etc. Acceptance by society as a whole. 2A/NRA zombies: "WE NEED MUH 2A SO WE CAN OVERTHROW MUH TYRANNIKAL GUMMINT!" Biden and anyone else with a brain: "It's 2024, not 1824. If you were going to even try to thwart your government, you'd need things like fighter jets and nukes." you: "HOW DARE YOU THREATENIN ME YOU LIBTARD =("