MovieChat Forums > Druff > Replies

Druff's Replies

I loooooooooove Escape From NY!!! But Mad Max 2 makes it a bitch and shits into its mouth six ways to Sunday. You'd have to suck a lot of syphilitic dick to rot your brain enough to think EFNY is the superior movie. I'm with [deleted] ^ I doubt the cajuns would have been happy to see outsiders tromping through their swamp, but they probably would have kept their distance and left them alone as long as the outsiders left the cajuns alone. It's fine if that's your favorite part, no judgement here. Southern Comfort, while a decent movie, is a forgotten footnote. Deliverance is still talked about to this day. Everyone else saw that a year ago. By the time Ferris Bueller came out, I'd say it was obviously confirmed John Hughes wrote from his own POV as a rich kid. Or at least 'relatively quite well off.' I really did immediately assume it was simply because the NG isn't as stringent and nailed down as the "real" US Army, and more tolerant of "numbnuts gonna numbnut." It's true, in 1984 people weren't pointing at every single hetero sexual act and going "THAT'S RAPE! AND THAT IS ALSO RAPE! THAT IS DEFINITELY RAPE! OVER THERE IS ANOTHER THING THAT IS RAPE! EVERYTHING IS RAPE!" As others in this thread have already pointed out, when two drunk people are going at it, neither one of them is committing rape. Or, they both are... which cancels each other out. The concept that "consent can't exist when a person is drunk" simply wasn't a thing back then. Instead there was more emphasis on personal accountability. We used to teach girls to assume that everyone at a party is a drunken sociopath, so be smart and don't put yourself into a position where you're an easy mark someone can take advantage of. The "TEACH BOYS NOT TO RAPE" meme is so idiotic. You can spend hours every day teaching a boy that rape is bad and hurtful and not to do it. But guess what? Virtually every boy in the world knows rape is wrong. But if the boy in question is a sociopath, he's going to do it anyway. When a girl got drunk and passed out a party and some creep raped her, we didn't give the creep a medal. He was rightfully shamed as a scumbag. But by the same token, we didn't treat the girl as if she was a 100% innocent angel. We treated her like someone who made a stupid mistake which allowed a scumbag to do something bad to her, and hopefully she at least learned a lesson. And yeah, I'll just say it: Back then, rape wasn't seen as this crippling life-ending ultimate injury worse than death that happened to every girl/woman in the world on a daily basis. It was just something gross and nasty and creepy that shouldn't happen to a person. But if it did, life went on. At least, that's how it was thought of by people who had no experience with it. And the people who did experience it never EVER talked about it. It was literally a different world. Usually when people say "The plot made no sense" or "The story was incomprehensible" I roll my eyes and think, "You just weren't paying attention. It isn't the movie, it's you." Cool World is one of the very few times where I'm totally on their side. I have to assume there was more to the script in terms of explaining what was going on and why, but it was butchered out thanks to some numbnuts studio exec. "I bundle myself up like a little homeless lady" is arguably the best piece of voice acting ever recorded. Great comeback, retard! I'll never recover =( They had one single appointment that didn't even last 10 minutes. She knew nothing about him. They might as well have met in a bar or on the street. The reason doctor/patient relationships are considered unethical is because the doctor is privy to the patient's most personal intimate secrets and can use that to take advantage. Not an issue in this case. You fucking sewing circle clucking hens, clutching your pearls, I love it! XD "A.I." was a "project" Kubrick had on the "back burner" for almost 20 "years" and then "finally" decided to "go ahead" with it in the "mid 1990s," after he finished "Eyes Wide Shut" but then he "died" so Steven "Spiel" "berg" "made" "it" "instead." I'd wonder about Martin Sheen being left out before Baldwin. IMO the actors named are the ones that play the top most important characters in the story. >Sleeping with your patient is unethical and illegal. They stopped being doctor/patient immediately after the first meeting in her office and then she even mentioned that again later just in case any numbnuts viewers out there missed it. Maybe if they hammered on it a third time you would have caught it? Probably not. Man, I'd delete myself too if I asked that question... It was stupid and it was hilarious and it was awesome and anyone who doesn't like it can go eat walnuts with their ass! If there was ever any person who figured out a 99.9% effective way of getting away with murder, it was Dignam. Dumpster behind a gay bar Holy shit, you're right. I never noticed that before. FUCK THIS MOVIE NEVER WATCHING IT AGAIN SEVEN TIMES WILL HAVBE TO BE ENOUGH