MovieChat Forums > Druff > Replies

Druff's Replies

I always assumed she was a plant just based on the unnatural side-eye look she kept giving Pee-Wee. Seemed forced. I thought so even as a 13 yr old kid watching this on HBO in 1982. Maybe Fairuza Balk is an acquired taste. But I definitely acquired it a loooong time ago. I just saw this for the first time and was blown away she was in it. I don't recall ever seeing her in anything prior to Boys Don't Cry and I guess I assumed that was her first role. She wasn't exactly great in Buffy, but she "ruins" it? OK. Another hilariously pathetic incel. Keelai is pushing back on low IQ right wing morons who live in this ridiculous joke of a forum. Nothing wrong with that. A lib troll, or braindead alt right wannabe thugs? Decisions, decisions... I've had the DVD since it released but never bothered to look at it closely before. Virtually positive the man is the actor who played Jimmy's dad, but it doesn't seem to be from IAMP. He looks a bit younger to me. Aside from being a blonde, the girl looks almost nothing like the actor who played Kitty, to my eye. If I was forced to wager my life over it, my bet would be she's someone else. No idea why the marketing dept would do that. Might be as simple as these photos/stills were more readily available than whatever else was out there. EDIT: After looking at more pictures of Mary Beth Hughes over the years, actually I think that is her. But not from when she was in IAMP. In the movie she had a blatant double chin that was impossible to miss, but none at all in the photo. Def. not taken during the exact period of her life when she was in IAMP. If that makes you sad, you might as well be sad about literally every single person in the entire history of humanity who ever lived and died. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat. I've noticed that with other movies from around the same time. The Thing, Tron, and Blade Runner for example. I was 13, from my POV these movies were huge. I loved them and it seemed like most kids my age did too. But you see these reviews on youtube by some kid who's mom was probably too young to have seen them, and all they know comes from someone else's old blog post about how critics gave them lousy reviews and they got crushed at the box office by E.T. or whatever. Talking about them as if they were little secret underground failures that nobody knew about until they discovered them and did their youtube review 30-40 years later. Everything's so black and white. "Oh it didn't do well at the box office so therefore NOBODY saw it. Critics hated it so therefore EVERYBODY hated it." Don't remember, high odds I saw a preview on IFC, back when they were a cable/satellite channel that was worth a shit. They would do half hour behind the scenes things while a movie was in production. I found out about a lot of indie movies that way. (e.g. Boys Don't Cry) I didn't see it in a theater though. I might have first seen it on IFC, but all I know for sure is I definitely had it on DVD. Probably forgot how to breathe. Yeah I stopped watching the movie right there and turned the TV off and got up and put my fist through some drywall in my living room and kicked my dog and flipped off a baby. I was so disgusted. My interpretation is that it was almost completely surreal. If you insist on squeezing the movie into a "reality" context, Harper was out of her mind and completely lost her grip. And the inability to pinpoint exactly where the line is between what was real and what was surreal is sort of the point. But I don't think it's meant to be "reality" per se, i.e. an insane woman hallucinating. I think it's meant to a surreal reflection on... whatever. Life. Men and women doing what they do. I knew I was definitely getting old a while back when I re-watched Friday for the first time in many years, and I thought, "Dayum... I don't remember Ice Cube's mom bein' so........ dayum." Then it happened again yesterday when I was re-watching IAMP for the first time in ages. "Wait, what? I don't remember Jimmy's mom being kinda hot, when did that happen?!" Yes of course Kitty is hot. But for me the "She's drunk! It's funny!" girl is the one who can get it. A humongous percentage of MST3K episodes were sending up cheesy campy old black & white movies. Have to assume this guy had only seen a couple of shows and wasn't familiar yet, otherwise they wouldn't have been scratching their head trying to solve the mystery of why on earth anyone would poke fun at this movie. Joel [as Jimmy, singing]: "Well, I'm walkin'. Yes indeed, I'm talkin'. I accuse my parents..." I want to choke whoever transcribed the official DVD subtitle as 'the Ayatollah of Rock n Roller.' At some point after I'd seen the movie a billion times, I saw what George Miller looks like. The next time I watched it, when the pink car scene occurred I suddenly realized, "The driver kinda looks like George Miller." Years later I was working at a major animation studio, and every couple of months we'd have some industry big wig come and give us a talk. George Miller came and did one around the time Happy Feet was in theaters. During the Q&A afterward, I asked him, "In Mad Max 2, was that you doing a cameo as the driver of the pink car that gets roasted by the flamethrower?" He hesitated a bit and then he said, "..........That was my twin brother." Everyone cracked up, seemed like a good joke. Then another few years pass, and I find out George Miller actually really does have a twin brother! So since then I have no idea what to think.