weekend warriors

If the NG's hadn't used the canoe's without asking and the guy hadn't fired the blanks at the Cajun's do you think the Cajun's would still have hunted them?


That's a very interesting question... The film to me is very anti-Vietnam even though it's shot in 1981. Quotes like "I'm not even meant to be here" show that... Would the Cajun hunters reacted the way they did if not fired upon.? The one-armed man stating that you come here and "f" with us is very reminiscent of the VietCong's way of thinking but then, so many different countries did try it on with them.
So my answer has to be no - The Cajun people were after all are American, even if they did just want to be left alone, and in the end, the NG just "F'd" with the wrong people...


We can't tell either way without knowing, for example, if the ragin' Cajuns had a particular hatred of the military because of their own experiences serving, anti-war objections, anti-authority sentiments, etc. Clearly, Hill wanted to make them more menacing and anonymous figures. The one-armed Cajun made it clear near the end that his friends didn't like outsiders coming in and fucking with them. As easily triggered and inexcusably vengeful as the bad Cajuns were, in their defense they couldn't have known whether Stuckey was firing real bullets at them, even after observing none of them were hit. These weren't the rapist mountain men of Deliverance who took the initiative to harass the strangers. Also, these were National Guardsmen. I doubt this would've been the first time they observed their presence, even if they hadn't traipsed recently through their territory specifically (as suggested by their maps being out of date).


I think the answer is much simpler than the other two replies: "No they would not".

Admittedly its a fictional story and even then didnt happen so "We can't tell either way without knowing" is true - if the writer was much crazier he could write anything but ....

Realistically , a bunch of hillbillys are not going to attack a group of soldiers who appear to be armed to the teeth , even if they did have some sort of advantage and killed them all it would obviously bring search partys and police.


I'm with [deleted] ^

I doubt the cajuns would have been happy to see outsiders tromping through their swamp, but they probably would have kept their distance and left them alone as long as the outsiders left the cajuns alone.
