WrepDrep's Replies

Who said it was concentration camps in Germany only? Nazi Germany occupied half of Europe. It reaches a level of existentialist philosophical inquiring which Alien can't compete with, let alone Aliens. Without a doubt the best of them all. Anti-Semitic? More like anti-Ashkenazim. However I like and respect Ashkenazi Jews. But look-wise, there are stereotypical Ashkenazi features that are not pretty to say the least. And it's not the dark curly haired big nosed caricatures. I love typical Semitic features such as large, hooked noses and curly dark hair. But this is more prominent in Mizrahi Jews. I associate Ashkenazis with pale freckled skin, reddish hair, although only a minority have that. Gal Gadot doesn't look Ashkenazi, she looks Mizrahi, which suggests little to no admixture from North Europeans despite centuries as tiny minority in North/Central/East Europe...which is why I associate it with inbreeding. Being an anthropologist doesn't automatically make me an expert on every trivial matter of ancient history. My response was to the director's comments. Her issue was with white actresses' portraying Cleopatra - not their height. Cleopatra obviously wasn't Ashkenazi Jew, considering that Ashkenazi Jews didn't even exist at that point. I'm referring to the groups that Ashkenazis descend from, which is ancient Levantines("Syrians"), Greco-Romans and some Slavic/Germanic converts. It's not about appeasing to modern Egyptians. What they think of Jews or Israel or Zionism or a movie about Cleopatra is of no relevance to my point. As for the historical Cleopatra, I'm no expert on ancient descriptions of her physical features. I'm going by typical features of the confirmed ethnic groups she's descended from. What part would I not be serious about? Ashkenazis being part European, part Middle Eastern? Gadot is an Ashkenazi Jew. Macaulay Culkin or some other Culkin. I'm an anthropologist. YOU need to open and read history books that weren't written by nationalistic charlatans. Why are you equalling Levantine with Arab? Arabs are from the Peninsula. The indigenous peoples of Levant spoke Canaanite languages in the south and Ugaritic and Eblaite in the north. If you even knew the basics of human history, you'd know that there has always been migrations. All the peoples are connected in some ways. Ancient Balkan peoples were intermediate between West Anatolians and Central Europeans. Ancient Mesopotamians were intermediate between Levantines and Peninsular Iranian peoples. Etc, Africa is an enormous continent. The north and south have almost nothing in common. Africa also shares landmass with Asia, which means that a north-east African country like Egypt has bigger ties to south-west Asia than to countries south of the vast Sahara desert. The roots of Egyptian civilization lie in the agricultural revolution that took place in Middle East. It reached Egypt thousands of years later through migrants from the Levant. There is such a thing as DNA. We happen to have ancient DNA from all over the world, and have been able to extract autosomal, paternal(Y) and maternal(mt) DNA. The ancient Egyptians were similar to Copts of today. Muslim Arab Egyptians of today have more Sub-Saharan DNA than ancient Egyptians! This is due to slave trade and migration of Sudanese and Zanjis. I feel sorry for the fat Latino kid. He was probably happy to have made it and become the cool kid for once, only to play the gay kid. He'll probably get bullied for it instead. She has aged fine, visually. Her voice though... She sounded older than Helen Mirren in Shazam 2. That's also true. The indigenous southern Africans(San) are brown and have epicanthic fold(Mongoloid eyes). West Africans are the way people imagine all black people to look like. This is also due to their expansion into the rest of Africa. The non-Bantu non-AfroAsiatic East Africans are known for their height and extremely dark skin colour. The Afro-Asiatic East Africans, such as Somali and various Ethiopian groups, are basically a mixture between indigenous East Africans and Middle Easterners. In between them, there were Pygmies, but these have been almost fully wiped out and replaced by West Africans. Why is she mentioning Gal Gadot, who's an Ashkenazi Jew? The Ashkenazi Jews are basically half Levantine Middle Eastern, half European in ancestry. Does Gal Gadot look Polish? Levantines are intermediate between ancient Egyptians, Irano-Mesopotamians and ancient South-East Europeans. The European ancestry of Ashkenazi Jews is part Greco-Roman, part north European. This makes her a great candidate, appearance-wise, for a historical figure who was of north Greek, Irano-Mesopotamian(Seleucid) and possibly Egyptian ancestry. I'm not with the We Wuzz Kangz crew, but he's right about more or less all African-Americans having some degree of European ancestry. Autosomal, YDNA and MtDNA tests have proved it "I guess the proper term would be "Indo-European" No. The Indo in Indo-European stands for Indian. It's a language group that covers most countries from Europe to India, hence the name chosen for it. The original Indo-European speakers were white, however they spread all over Eurasia and mixed with locals which lead to new languages such as Sanskrit, Latin, Greek, Persian etc. A Punjabi speaks an Indo-European language natively, but isn't white. A Basque speaks a language that's not Indo-European but is still white. There is no proper term. All of them are flawed to an extent. "White people" didn't originate in the Caucasus mountains. Europeans aren't a homogeneous group. There have always been migrations and Cleopatra's family is a perfect example of that, considering her ties to Macedonia/Greece, Iran, Syria, Egypt etc. Hard disagree. Hayden Panettiere was very cute when she was younger, but they made her look like a 40 year old lesbian convict in this franchise. Very unsexy and unattractive. I actually have a thing for short haired girls, and even lesbian-looking girls, but butch Hayden somehow doesnt do it for me. Scream Scream 2 Scream 3 Scream 2022 Scream VI Scream 4 37.5% is not "mostly Irish". Irish would be the largest component, but still a minority component. That happens when you're a White American mutt. She looks British, not specifically Irish. But that makes sense because she also has English and Scottish ancestry on top of the Irish. TheApricity huh....I'm actually a frequent poster there. It goes without saying that she, as a typical White Americna mutt will make herself more "interesting", by claiming one specific non-WASP part. They'll claim ancestry from a Native American tribe, but it gets disproved by DNA test. They'll claim Irish descent, but in reality it's Ulster Scot Protestant. She's of Czech(Shipka), German, English and Scottish descent on the father's side. Irish and Italian on the mother's side. She's not mostly Irish. She's a typical White American mutt with ancestry from all over Europe. A pan-European beauty. Oprah is mainly promoting quacks, conmen and other scum.