WrepDrep's Replies

Hard disagree. Hayden Panettiere was very cute when she was younger, but they made her look like a 40 year old lesbian convict in this franchise. Very unsexy and unattractive. I actually have a thing for short haired girls, and even lesbian-looking girls, but butch Hayden somehow doesnt do it for me. Scream Scream 2 Scream 3 Scream 2022 Scream VI Scream 4 37.5% is not "mostly Irish". Irish would be the largest component, but still a minority component. That happens when you're a White American mutt. She looks British, not specifically Irish. But that makes sense because she also has English and Scottish ancestry on top of the Irish. TheApricity huh....I'm actually a frequent poster there. It goes without saying that she, as a typical White Americna mutt will make herself more "interesting", by claiming one specific non-WASP part. They'll claim ancestry from a Native American tribe, but it gets disproved by DNA test. They'll claim Irish descent, but in reality it's Ulster Scot Protestant. She's of Czech(Shipka), German, English and Scottish descent on the father's side. Irish and Italian on the mother's side. She's not mostly Irish. She's a typical White American mutt with ancestry from all over Europe. A pan-European beauty. Oprah is mainly promoting quacks, conmen and other scum. She does not look very Indian. She looks half-white. This type of look is only common among Anglo-Indians and maybe Kashmiris at the very north of India. I enjoy prostate massage, but no I'm not gay. When the Internet people discovered porn. Yeah the Davidians weren't bad guys. David Koresh just loved to be treated as God, and having followers who would offer their wives and underaged daughters to him. The followers were just cucks. He was a closeted homosexual who kept it secret to the public until death. The dysfunctional childhood and homosexual repression for many years lead to a twisted sense of immature sexuality and preference for immature young boys. It seems that you're the one who missed something considering that you are mixing me up with someone else who wrote "charcuterie". I was expecting this comment. No, I'm not white. The character didn't make sense. Eddie Murphy's is your average NOI member or Black Hebrew. Julia's was an autist basically. Wow, you and I are two very different individuals. Short-haired women are my weakness. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b7/e4/cc/b7e4ccddb375e74c241221528c159c9f.jpg https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/g0JljWSb3ZjukKRbm_bF6_l-QAk/fit-in/2048xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2017/07/21/634/n/29590734/6e32d61eb4c2d882_GettyImages-452204516_master/i/July-2014.jpg Shaved gets me uncontrollably horny https://hips.hearstapps.com/cosmouk.cdnds.net/cm/14/30/53d4c1ad7d332_-_030813-karen-gillan-shaved-head-fzmfea-lgn.jpg Short hair also make mature unattractive women somehow sexy! I've developed a fetish for girls that look lesbian or tomboyish, however I've been into feminine short-haired girls as far back as I can remember. When I was 7 I had a crush on a teacher who was short-haired. Wow, you and I are two very different individuals. Short-haired women are my weakness. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b7/e4/cc/b7e4ccddb375e74c241221528c159c9f.jpg https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/g0JljWSb3ZjukKRbm_bF6_l-QAk/fit-in/2048xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2017/07/21/634/n/29590734/6e32d61eb4c2d882_GettyImages-452204516_master/i/July-2014.jpg Shaved gets me uncontrollably horny https://hips.hearstapps.com/cosmouk.cdnds.net/cm/14/30/53d4c1ad7d332_-_030813-karen-gillan-shaved-head-fzmfea-lgn.jpg Short hair also make mature unattractive women somehow sexy! I've developed a fetish for girls that look lesbian or tomboyish, however I've been into feminine short-haired girls as far back as I can remember. When I was 7 I had a crush on a teacher who was short-haired. I'd hit it, but she didn't stand out at all in Baywatch. In fact she wasn't even above average there. Yasmine Bleeth was the hottest. Yes I prefer brunettes, but Pamela wasn't the hottest blonde either. Erika Eleniak made her look like a plain Jane that had plastic surgeries. CZJ made Salma Hayek look like a tranny. He looks more retarded than thuggish in that picture. And the videos of him also give off "retard" vibes. I think he didn't want to live a criminal life, but he was too stupid to live a comfortable, legal life. Or are you a girl who wished she looked like and kicked ass like Ruby? I think it's because cameras didn't exist in 1st century AD but that's just a wild guess.