MovieChat Forums > Theman > Replies

Theman's Replies

The highest ranking member of the FBI says Covid probably came from the Wuhan lab and you are still treating it as a conspiracy theory. What bullshit? I never said the death toll was just Americans and you know it. If you have problems with reading comprehension in a thread I shutter to think if you could handle a book. Where is anyone saying on this thread that the Virus was created to make Trump look bad? That’s the FBI director saying it most likely came from a Wuhan lab leak. Check and mate. Now you are putting words in my mouth because I never said or implied that the death toll is just Americans. You are a dishonest poster. But it's a theory that the agencies are definitely bringing into the public eye. On Tuesday, FBI director Christopher A. Wray reiterated his belief that COVID-19 "most likely" sprang from "a potential lab incident" in Wuhan, China. Second, you are being dishonest with your post because you are saying things like I said Democrats created the virus to make Trump look bad. I never said anything like this I challenge you to find something in my posts that says otherwise. Two minutes on the internet and I find an article by a so called respectable news outlet that obliterates your position that American Wuhan funding is a conspiracy theory. Please go to a mirror and repeat “I will finally make a good post someday.” Trump shares responsibility but the Wuhan funding began under Obama Biden. This is not fringe info that America funded Wuhan gain of function research, it is covered by so called respectable news outlets and Senators. She was only 16 so they were only training seashells, though. I think we should nuke Russia to fulfill our security guarantee promise. Maybe you should. That’s Bill Clinton for you. Are you being sarcastic? I can’t tell. Because that was many Nazis excuse and they still got in trouble. One Eyed Willy was just like the Frattelis only in a different time. But isn’t he Buddhist? I think the FBI and Bill Clinton started the fire. In the songs they played during the night they threatened to kill Koresh and his people and that’s what ended up happening. It’s as if someone was overheard saying telling someone they are going to kill them and a few days later they end up dead. Thank you Tell your anti war agenda to the Ukrainian civilians dying everyday. Too old